20: Suffering days

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It's already two days since that night, and Hayeon still locked herself in her room. Confused, worried, broken, sad, all of those mixed in her mind. She couldn't accept the fact that all this time, he played her.

She personally thought that all of this is really strange, she felt like what he did two days ago wasn't true, like there was something that he hid, something that forcing him to do so. It was so suddenly, and it was nonsense.


What actually happened, Ten? Why are you being like this?


Hayeon sighed, her heart felt really in pain.

Not long after, someone knocked her door. Hayeon quickly looked her reflection in the mirror, making sure that she looks like usually but she was not, completely not. She immediately go to the bathroom to wash her face and opened the door. It was her mother.

"Yes, mom?" Hayeon was trying hard to smile in front of her mother.

"Are you feeling well already, sweetheart?" Her mother touched her forehead, checking her temperature.

Yeah, since that night, Hayeon told her parents if she felt sick to cover her sadness. She didn't have another choice, it's impossible to tell her parents that she heart broken because of Ten. And today, she decided to absent from school because she wasn't ready to meet Ten.

She shrugged slowly and showed another little smile, "I hope so."

"You look so pale, honey. I'm so worried about you." Her mother stroked her hair.

"Please don't be, mom. I'm fine, I just need some more rest." Even her voice is really weak.

"There's someone come to see you, Hayeon. He said that he's your friend." Said her mother.

The one that appeared in Hayeon's mind is him, Ten Chittaphon.

"Who is it, mom?" She asked.

"He said that his name is Lee Taeyong."

Of course, it can't be Ten.

"If you aren't feeling well already, I'll tell him to come next time.."

"No, it's okay, mom." Hayeon quickly cut her off. "I will change my clothes, please tell him to wait."

"Are you sure?" Her mom making sure because she looked so pale, she was really worried about her.

"Don't worry, mom." Hayeon smiled before she closed her door.

After changed her clothes, Hayeon came out from her room and met him in the living room. He was still in his uniform, and he brought a bucket of lily. Instead of in her house, Hayeon asked him to go out. She told her mother that she wanted to get fresh air, so they left the house and walked to the nearest park.

"Thank you for the lily," Hayeon showed a little smile towards Taeyong.

"You look terrible, Hayeon." He said.

"Really? Sorry for that."

They stopped and decided to sat down on the swings in the middle of the park.

"I feel better here," She opened her mouth again while swung herself slowly on the swing. She was so pale and her nose was red, also her eyes which was a bit puffy.

"He has gone too far," Taeyong muttered while staring at her. Hayeon could hear it.

"I agree." Hayeon said quickly that made Taeyong a bit surprised, he didn't realize that she heard it. "He's a bully afterall, it's like his job to make people suffer."

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