13: Some talk

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[Hayeon POV]

A peaceful day without Ten, he was absent today and Taeil sunbae told me that he must practicing for the next survival.

Ten said that every survival, he just have 2-3 days to practice but he usually just practice in one day. Remembering how amazing he was that day, he must be a genius dancer. His dance moves is really sharp and fast, also complicated.

Oh, I shouldn't too surprised remembering that his IQ is freaking high. He's a genius in everything afterall.

"One, two, three, four.." Mrs. Evelyn counting the beat.

I need to focus, I also have the ballet performance on Sunday. For the examination. Not only group performance, but also solo performance. The hard one wasn't the group performance, but the solo one.

We were required to make our own choreography and find the songs that fit, also the concept. And we must ensure that we create the performance that worth to watch by many people.

But until now, I don't really sure what I'm going to do with my solo performance.

Maybe I should start to practice after this.

"Good, kids! Today's training is ended. I hope you all can stay healthy and prepare your solo performance well." Said Mrs. Evelyn.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mrs. Evelyn." We bowed towards her.

After the others left, I grabbed my backpack and took out my laptop. I started to find the perfect song for my solo performance. I listened one by one while imagining the choreography that would fit and how perfect it will be.

And, I decided to picked The Black Swan song, so my concept will be The Black Swan as well.

I ever performed The Black Swan when I was 10, but that was simple but also elegant. I want to remake some of the choreography to be more difficult.

45 minutes later..

Why did I feel like it wasn't worth enough? I feel like the choreography that I made is lame.

Ugh, I'm tired.

"That was good," That voice made me a bit surprised, I turned around and saw him sitting not really far from me.

"Ten? What are you doing there?" I asked him.

"Watching you, of course." He simply replied.

"How long have you been there?" I asked again.

"Molla, around 40 minutes ago?" He said while seeing his watch.

So, he watching me all this time and I didn't even realize it.

Great, I must be really focus.

"I thought you were practicing for your survival." I said.

"I'm done, I was searching you in the school but you weren't there."

"You searching me for what?"

"Pick you up,"

"How can you find me here?"

"By feeling?"

What the hell is he..

"So, what do you want after found me?"

"I don't know, after watching you practice hard like that. I don't know what I want anymore, I feel like just watching you dancing I already feel satisfied."

I let out a sigh, didn't understand anything inside his head.

"Don't force yourself," He said.

"I need to, the world forced me to do anything." I massaging my legs.

"Then, let's die together."

I widened my eyes and looked at him.

He chuckled and then he winked at me, "Joking."

Let's just live peacefully together, Ten.

I really want to say it but all I do is just smiling bitterly.

I feel so hungry but I cannot leave before I can make a better performance. I just have four days before Sunday. I just kept massaging my legs while imagining a good choreography until I feel someone sat down beside me.

"You need to eat," He said while took out some stuff.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Jajangmyun, I ordered it since I'm hungry and it just arrived earlier." He replied.

Thanks, god. He understands my condition!

It feels great when I started to eat it. I feel like I cannot stop eating.

He chuckled, "Chill, girl. No one will steal it from you, no need to be rush."

"I leally clabing bor dis.." (I really craving for this). I said with a full mouth.

Ten was chuckling again, but a second after I suddenly choked.

"Reckless.." Ten said while opened a bottle of water and gave it to me.

It was really hurt so I drank a lot of water until I feel better. But suddenly Ten ruffled my hair.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," He smiled. "You just remind me of my sister. Kinda cute, stupid, clumsy.."

"You missed her? But, don't you always meet her when you visited Thailand?"

"She is currently in US, you know.. study abroad. Last time I saw her is when she was still 8, I moved to South Korea that time with my father for his job. But my dad cheating on my mom, he have a mistress here which was his personal assistant in his company. My sister is 15 this year, I hope she grown up so well."

Uh, soft side of a bully. He's so pity.

"You have your sister, your mom, your grandma, your friends, and you still want to commit suicide?" I asked.

"I already decided to not do it after you said that sooner or later I will die. God already made my destiny and it will comes to me, so I don't need to planning anything now."He said. "And, actually.. my grandma is already passed away last year."

There are too many things that I don't know in his life.

"Honestly, there's something I want to do before I die." He said slowly.

"Mind to tell me?" I asked.

"I want, but I cannot. Maybe not now, but someday." Ten smiled at me softly.


"I want, but I cannot. Maybe not now, but someday." Ten smiled at Hayeon softly.

I will tell you right before I die, Hayeon. He thought.



So, this is the chapter 13~

Wow, I just realized that it's already the 13th:((

Anyways, hope you like it!

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Thank you~


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