1: Me, him

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Hayeon POV

It kept bothering me, I could never sleep well because the dream was always come to me every night. I always lost my concentration and stared blankly at everything. It kept bothering me. Really.

I hate the fact that I could see the others' future through my dreams, I really hate it. Why god gave me the ability to be like this? And, why did I always see the future of others and couldn't see my own future?

I always had trouble whenever the shadows came into my dreams. I saw it as if I was there. The incidence occurs randomly, it could be a happiness, sadness, and etc.

And after many years I lived with this condition, for the first time I saw something different, it was strange to me. Everytime the dreams of the others' future came, just one dream that I could see, and that was really happened, I couldn't guess when will it exactly happens. But this time, two dreams came to me. And, I saw one person who will experience those dreams. Just one person in the two bad dreams.

I knew this person, he was Ten Chittaphon, a person that I don't want to be friends because he was one of the trouble makers in the school. I never wanted to be friends with those people who like to making troubles. I never talk with them because I might be their victim of bully, especially Ten Chittaphon who was my classmate. But, the dreams keep disturbing me if I didn't tell him soon.

What kind of reaction that he would show when I tell him that he will die soon? Even he will die twice like what I saw in my dreams. What should I do? He would be laughing at me or maybe worse.. he would slap me hard because he assumed that I tell him something nonsense?

If I keep silent, the dreams will always come to me and disturb me, also make my life worse.

If I tell him, he's the one who will make my life even worse.

Oh god, what should I do?

My grandfather ever told me that I got a bad dream about others, I should tell them soon so they could be better people before everything is late. But if I got a good dream, I just need to tell them that god bless their life. Just harabeoji who knew about my condition, because I just told him about it and sadly.. he wasn't here with me again. He already rest in peace in the heaven. I missed him so much.

Back to the reality, I saw Ten who walked towards me, yeah not exactly towards me. In second, I remembered about his face that full of blood when I saw his arrogant face. I bit my lower lips.

You should tell him before everything is late, you couldn't guess when will his destiny comes, Lim Hayeon.

"Ten Chittaphon?" I called him nervously. He turned his head over me.

He looked at me intently.






So, this is the first chapter.

I hope it will be an interesting story for you all.

Please gimme votes and do comments!


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