4: Kiss and talk

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Hayeon stepped into the detention room, she saw Ten who was sitting on the first desk, he buried his face with his arms around his head on the table. Ten didn't even realized that Hayeon sat down on the desk beside him. Shortly after, Mrs. Hwang entered the room.

"Mr. Chittaphon, please lift up your head and listen to me." Mrs. Hwang said. Ten slowly lifted his head and looked at Hayeon who was sitting beside him.

"What are you doing here? Where's Taeyong? Did you find him?" Ten quickly said.

"Attention, Mr. Chittaphon!" Mrs. Hwang was a bit annoyed. Ten lazily looked at her.

"I'm so sorry because I didn't believe you earlier, Ten. But, both of you cannot avoid your punishment because you skipped my class. So, I just give you detention for one hour. After that, you can go back to your houses. Thank you," Mrs. Hwang said and then she left them alone in the room.

"He's fine." Hayeon opened her mouth.

"Did you save him or he haven't slip yet?" Ten asked.

"I kicked the pot that I saw before and he's fine. He just fell but not so hard, and the head master accidentally saw us. So, he explained all of it to the teachers and Mrs. Hwang just gave us one hour of detention. Yeah, fortunately. I don't know if the head master didn't see us, maybe Mrs. Hwang would give me four hours of detention. Lucky me," She chuckled.

"So, you managed to save him?" Ten asked again. She just nodded.

Ten sighed in relief while Hayeon just leaned her head on the table, she felt a bit sleepy.

"So, all of your words are true?" Ten broke the silence around them.


"It just happened to Taeyong, so.. what you told me will also happens?" Said Ten. He turned and looked at Hayeon.

"I think you already know the answer, Mr. Chittaphon."

"So, what should I do?" He asked.

"I don't know, that's your own destiny. I cannot do anything to save you." Hayeon replied lazily.

Ten flicked her forehead immediately.

"Yah! That hurts, pabo!" She stroke her forehead. "You flicked me twice,"

"Don't be unfair, you just saved Taeyong. Why not also me?" Ten said resentful.

"His case isn't bad like yours."

"I don't accept any reason,"

"Who even are you?"

"I'm your classmate,"

"That's it?"

"What's more?"

Hayeon sighed, "I couldn't do anything, Mr. Chittaphon. I never save anyone from their destiny before. Taeyong's case is the first time to me and I think god give me a chance to do so. But, in your case.. what if god don't give me a chance?"

"Of course," Ten replied quickly.


"You said that I will die twice, right? It's impossible if I will die twice because I just have one soul."

"Fine, I know something that maybe can save you." Hayeon finally said.

"Something what?"

"You should be a better person, stop making troubles and bully other people, stop do something illegal, be kind and friendly, etc."

"First, I never making troubles.. I just having fun of my life and the people that I bully are made me pissed off, I never bully them without a reason. Second, I never steal things, I never touch soju and cigarettes, and also I never have a sex. Third, look at yourself.. you aren't kind at all and you aren't friendly with that expressionless and cold face, why don't you die?"

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