Jess's POV

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*Jess's POV*

Crying, crying and crying. That's all I could here. We walked for miles on end, though the bush, trying to find some sort of life or at least some water and food. Maybe water if I was lucky. "Come on baby" I pulled little benny closer to my chest, trying to keep him safe. The heat from the fire was still everywhere, in the trees, the sky was smoking. "Let's keep walking, yeah?" I mumbled into his ear, hopefully my voice would keep his calm.

We walked and walked and walked. The sun setting in the background, I knew this day was quickly coming to an end. I wanted to at least find somewhere where I can keep Ben safe. That's all I need to do. Keep Ben safe and alive.

Everything around us was crashing down; the smoke from the fire was getting unbearable. One of the windows exploded, but the fire wasn't near there yet, I crawled through the window, trying to get Benny to not breathe in the smoke, "JESS! BEN!" I could hear Calum scream, "CALUM! CALUM HELP ME!" I screamed back, but coughed up all of the smoke that was getting inside my lungs. Behind some houses was clear, so I just kept on running, though some bushes, I kept on trying to get back out to the main road, but there wasn't any way. Just then I was just trying to keep Ben alive. I didn't care if I died or not, I just needed Ben to stay alive.

I was out of breathe, it was getting dark, I think it has been 2 days, I've been feeding Benny whenever I can, but that's the best I've done for him. The fire has stopped, so that's a big plus. "how about we stay here for the night" I cuddled up to him closely, making sure he doesn't leave. He falls asleep quickly since he hasn't been getting his day naps. I just went to sleep begging for someone to find us... help us.


*Calum's POV*

"Daddy, how did you meet mummy?" Charlie asked me,

"I met your mum when I was 16, my sister was helping her study" I explained to him. We were both sitting on Ashton's spare bed.

"Was it love at first sight? Because I think I feel in love with a girl I see at the park" he laughed, guess he's trying to find some hope,

"Don't fall in love Charlie, it hurts" I told him,

"But you made mummy happy, mummy made you happy" he asked,

"Just don't fall in love" I said.

"Ashten said that mummy left, but she came back, she'll come back again, she has to come back again"

"Mummy did leave, I'm never going to understand how she came back, but I'm glad she did. Now she's never going to come back" I told him, "don't fall in love, I don't think I would ever be able to let you feel the pain of a broken heart"

"Daddy, why do you love mummy so much?" he laid down in bed, like he has done for the past 2 nights, expecting a good night story.

"Why do you love this girl at the park?" I asked him back, lying down as well so we were facing each other,

"Because she isn't mean, she's got a kind heart. She shares her toys with me, she doesn't have barbie dolls, she has monster trucks, I think that's awesome" he smiled,

"I think of you mum like that as well, she has got a kind heart, she's different, she..." I tried to fine the words,

"She makes you speechless" he smiled,

"Yeah, she does"

"When did you know when you first loved her?" he asked,

"What's it with you and all of these questions?" I tried to laugh, but failed, "when I saw her cry for the first time, I knew that I had to be there, to protect her from anything that would come near here and hurt her" I explained to him,

"Why didn't to protect her?" I knew exactly what he was talking about,

"I had to protect you, you always come first" I kissed his forehead, "come on, we need to get some sleep" I pulled the blankets up higher over our bodies, slowly drifting to sleep.


Jess is alive, Charlie is in love, i think we should have a party.

keep in mind this is a fanfic, fic, fiction, not real. i can bring Jess back to life if i want to. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IN A FANFICTION!!!

 but will Jess and Benny be able to make it back? will they survie to see Calum and Charlie again? 

i'm not going to lie, this is one of the first chapters that i actally wrote for this story, just because i had to keep telling myself that Jess was alive. Is that weird? hope not

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