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me again, for the last time

I can't thankyou every one of you enough for reading these shitty stories, some of you just posting on my story asking for an update while many more of you just messaged me telling me to update (which i am so thankful for otherwise these updates would be even slower). 

It hurts to know that this is the end of Calum and Jess, i wish i could say that their would be a fouth book, but it would be very difficult to go on for where i have left it.

This story, believe it or not, was life changing for me. As i have said before, this story is my escape for me, and it still is. I know that many of you do write your own stories, being them about 5sos or any other band that you would like to write about, and i know that i do read many of them, i hope that when you get to your last chapter you do feel the way i do. this way i know i did try to write my best thoughout these stories (minus the first one for now).

My goal at the start of this was to write a realist fanfic, after seeing all of these fanfics about just bumping into their celebrity crush and then they go back to their house and have children, i wanted to do one when a happily ever after looked like it wasn't going to happen. I always knew their was going to be a second book after the first, but didn't know that there would be a third. It was you guys who was sad to see the end of Calum and Jess that made me write the very last book.

So once again thank you for putting up with all of the slow and shitty updates, i am so thankful for all of the comments that you guys have posted.

I do not know if i will be writing any more, but i hope i do.

thank you once again

-pip xo

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