Make Up Without the Break Up

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I was sitting on the couch, bitting my nails. I don’t know why I was so mad at Calum, but at the same time I did. I told him not to tell anyone, and what does he do? He goes and tells someone. But at the same time, was I over reacting? No, I wasn’t. I can be a hormonal girl if I want too. I can over react if I want too. I can act like a bitch if I want too. I can cry and eat ice cream because I just want Calum to come home if I want too. He doesn’t have to carry a person inside him for the next 9 months and then be in pain for who knows how long. He doesn’t know a single shit about what I have to go through.

The time I got it was about 5…It’s now 8 and he is still not home. I couldn’t even be bothered to put away the rest of my ice-cream; I just wanted to go to bed.

I brushed my teeth, took off the rest of my makeup and went to bed.


“Ah shit” I woke up to a bang, I quickly woke up, sitting up seeing Calum picking something up of the floor, “sorry, go back to sleep” Calum turned around, noticing I was awake. I looked at the time, 11:43, I was thinking about questioning him, but decided against it.

Moments later Calum came into bed, crawling up next to me.  I wanted to push him away, I was mad at him. But nothing made me happier than being in his arms. I turned over so I was facing his chest, his fingers running through the back of my hair. “I love you” I whispered,

“I love you too” he stopped running his fingers though my hair, putting them around my waist, so he would pull himself closer without me going anywhere, “I always have and I always will” he kissed my forehead before we both went to sleep.


Waking up alone, when you went to sleep with someone next to you, you never really know what to expect.

I got out of bed, putting a jumper over my head before going down to the kitchen to see Calum cooking some pancakes. He turned his head seeing me before looking back to the pan, “yours in on the table” he says, not taking another look at me. I walked into the dining room, seeing flowers on the table and the pancakes on the table. He put twice as much on my plate, figuring he now has to cook for the two of us. I looked down at the pancakes, “I am sorry” he wrote out in blue berries. I let out a light laugh, amazed he did it. I walked back into the kitchen quietly, making sure Calum didn’t notice me.

“I knew there had to be a good reason to why I married you” I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder. He jumped a bit before facing me; he smiled, kissing my forehead, wrapping his arms around me,

“So you forgive me?” he asked,

“I do for now” I smiled,

“What does that mean?” he asked, worried for his own sake,

“I don’t know” I shrugged my shoulders, Calum just smiled, letting out a light laugh. “do we have any chocolate sype?”

“Fridge” he laughed turning back around to make the rest of the pancakes.


“You call him” I threw my phone to Calum,

“No, you” Calum threw the phone back.

We were sitting on the couch; both crossed legged facing each other.

“But you’re a guy” I threw the phone back,

“You too were friends first” he threw it back,

“Fine then, I’ll grow some balls and call him” I caught the phone, I called up Tim’s number,


“Tim? Its Jess” I smiled, showing Calum that I’m the more confident one,

“Jess, hey, how are you feeling? Emily told me yesterday you weren’t feeling well” he asked,

“Yeah I feel better now” I looked up at Calum who still had a guilty face over what happed before. “Um…I just…I need to tell you something” this was a lot harder than what I though,

“Is this about what happened yesterday?” he asked,

“Um… yeah” I froze, suddenly everything just came so real.

“Tim, can you come around?” Calum moved over next to me, placing his hand on my back, trying to calm me down.

“Sure… when?” he asked,

“Soon as possible” Calum said again,

“Umm… 20 minutes?” he asked,

“See you then” Calum hanged up the phone, “you alright?” he asked,

“This just suddenly came so real, you not being here” I whispered,

“I’m sorry, I really am, but it’s only for 5 months, you can come and visit for a bit half way.” Calum tried to calm me down.

“I know it’s just, we… I…” I struggled to speak,

“You what?” I asked,

“How am I supposed to do this by myself?” I asked,

“You will have Tim okay? He will be here for you”

“What if Tim can’t? Then what?” I asked,

“He will, trust me”

“You haven’t already told him, have you?” I asked,

“No, I haven’t. I just told him that there was something that we had to talk about…” Calum said slowly. Once again, I wanted to be annoyed at him. But I just didn’t have the energy. I didn’t say anything; I just snugged into Calums chest. Waiting until Tim came over.


sorry i know i said 40 likes and 20 comments... its just i started writing then i went on tumblr and i got distracted. Plus have you guys seen girl code? oh my god i'm addicted i watched the first season in the past 2 days, so thats kinda another reason to why i haven't updated. my bad.

also Jelum or Jalum? i can't make up my mind.

lets try... 55 likes and 30 comments this time. good luck guys.

like? comment?- pip

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