Cold Bed

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“I love you okay?” Calum put his forehead to mine; I nodded my head, trying to stop the tears that are slowly coming out of the corner of my eyes. “I’ll see you soon” he whispered, wiping away the tears. “2 months, then you can come and visit me”

“I know” I tried to smile for him, but I really wasn’t in any mood to even try to be happy.

“You call me okay? If anything happens, just call me and I’ll take the first flight home” he said, with the hint of worry in his voice,

“I know” I sighed, starting to get annoyed with how much he was talking. I know he was just being protective, but I just wanted to go home, Calum next to me, his arms wrapped around me, but that wasn’t going to happen any time soon.

“Guys, come on its time to leave” Adam yelled, we were all crying now, giving our loved ones one last hug.

“I love you” he kissed my forehead, before I slowly fell out of his grip,

“I love you too” I whispered back. He picked up his carry on before walking away.

Standing at the door, he turned around giving me one last wave before turning back around and then he went. My hands on my stomach, I closed my eyes, slowly trying to breathe through the pain.

“Come on” Tim came up behind me, with his eyes also red.

We walked out of the airport, our cars parked near each other. We got in our own cars, and I started following him back to his house.


“Pizza alright for dinner?” Tim asked,

“Yeah” I smiled, taking a seat on the couch.

“Is a large chicken alright?” he asked, taking a seat next to me,

“Yeah that’s fine, is it alright if I just go and have a shower?” I asked,

“Of course, towels are in the cupboard next to the bathroom, and you know where that is” he laughed, really I knew this place like the back of my hand

“Thanks” I got up, making my way to the shower.


I got into the shower, letting the warm water take over my body.

How can I do this by myself? I kept on asking myself. I mean I knew I had Tim, but Tim wasn’t Calum. He’s not the father; he’s not the one that should be helping me through this.

I just wanted to be in Calums arms again. He’s been on tour before, leaving me behind for a month or so, I’ve always understood that work comes first a lot of the time. But that doesn’t mean that it hurts any less.


After dinner, and movies, my feet slowly made their way to the guest bedroom. Checking my phone one last time, no texts from Calum. He still must be on his flight.

And for the first time in 18 months, I went to asleep in the cold empty bed, with no one next to me.


sorry its short, and that i haven't updated in like... 2 weeks. Does anybody want to write the next chapter for me or something? That'd be cool, i'll give you full credit of course. Just let me know!

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