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"YOU NEED TO GET CHARLIE!" she yelled at Calum, heading to the other door, trying to save her other child in time

"WHAT ABOUT YOU AND BEN?" Panic ran though his face, while he went to the other side of the house, tears running down his face, he didn't know who he was going to lose that night. He wasn't ready to lose anyone.

"I'LL GET HIM! GO!" She ran trying to save her second son. 

She grabbed hold of her sobbing child, bringing him close to her chest. She tried to hush him down, but whatever she did, he still screamed, screaming for his only brother and his father. She ran her finger tips though her 1 year old sons hair. He had the same hair as his father, the softness, the colour, everything about it. But he had the freckles on his nose, he got that from his mother. She never like them on her own face, but loved them on her sons. Then she heard the bang, turing around, it was coming closer and closer. There was no escape. The walls were crumbling down, the floor was shaking, the smoke was filling the room. She could hear her husband calling her name from outside, the sirnes in the distance coming closer and closer. But that didn't change anything, that didn't change the fact that she finally accepted that this is how she's going to die.

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