Reunited At Last

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*Calum’s POV*

I woke up on the couch, looked a t my phone, miss call from Ashton and Luke. Groaning, I ran my hand over my face, trying to wake myself up.

I slowly made my way to the front door, opening it up to see the sun slowly rising. I walked out of the door, without a second thought.

Slowly making my way home, I saw the last start slowly losing its brightness, star light star bright, the first start that I see today, wish I may, wish I might, please grant my wish today… please let me see my family.

Slowly opening up my front door, “JESS?” I called out, “BENNY, CHARLIE?” I tried again, but nothing, Calum, where were you last night, you had me worried sick. The boys wouldn’t go to sleep, they kept on asking me where you where! Jess’s voice went through my head, as if she really was actually there. “I’m sorry, I went to see Mali” I whispered back, I walked up to her, wanting to wrap my arms around her, but I just fell through the air. I swear, for a moment I felt her heart –beat against mine. As if she’s alive, as if she’s still here. But she’s not. She’s dead; she’s not anywhere near here.

So instead I’ll go and grab a bottle of something, I don’t even care anymore. I just think I want to forget everything. Especially the pain I’m bringing to Charlie at the moment.

I hate this.

*Jess’s POV*

“Here we go” Luke, Tim, Charlie and I pulled up to our house, “do want us to come with you?” Luke asked, I shook my head.

I spent the night with Tim and Luke last night. I did go back home, but no one was here, Luke rang him, but he didn’t pick up.  I’m just begging that he will be home right now. I’m just craving his touch. It hurts so much.

“Charlie you stay here, I’ll be back in a minute, then we can go and see Benny, okay?” I kissed his forehead, slowly letting him out of my arms,

“Okay mummy” he smiled,

“I love you kiddo”

“Love you too mummy” his smile got bigger.

I walked up to the door knocking quickly; I just wanted to see Calum. A minute passed when he answered the door. Just wearing some track pants, his hair a mess, a bottle of vodka in his hand, and bags under his eyes. “Calum” I whispered under my breathe, looking at the state he was in broke my heart.

“Jess?” he asked, “no no no” he walked back, “no I’m going crazy, no no no” he shook his head, taking another sip from his drink. “Don’t come back down, why did you leave me!” he yelled at me.

“Calum,” I cried, “Calum please” I started shaking, walking up to him.

“Just leave. I don’t want to see your ghost” he took another sip,

“Calum look at me” I touched his cheek, making him face me. “Calum Benny’s in hospital, we need to go to him” I cried.

“Benny’s dead” he spat,

I shook my head, “no he’s not. He’s going to be okay if we leave now” I looked into his eyes; he froze, looking in my eyes, looking for the answer to all of the questions that were running though his head. “Calum please” I begged him, taking a step forward as he took another step back.

“you left!” he yelled, “YOU LEFT ME!” he cried, “why would I want you back” another sip from the bottle, “I love you Jess, you left me” his back was against the wall, he slowly slid down,

“Calum, you need to calm down” I slowly made my way over to him. “I love you so much Calum, please” I placed my hands on his shoulders, my forehead lending against his, “please Calum, do this for us, of our family, please” I continued begging.

“Kiss me and tell me you’re not dead” he whispered, I leaned in until my lips lightly touched his. He dropped the bottle, wrapping his arms around me, moving his hands so he could lift me up, onto his lap.

“I’m not dead” I whispered into the kiss.

“You didn’t give up on me” he cried even harder, his hands moving up so they were cupping my face.

“I could never give up on you” I pulled him in for another kiss. It was amazing, I could never walk away from Calum, I could never give up on him. The past few weeks have been hell. Not knowing if Charlie and Calum made it out live, not knowing how they were. I was dying along with them.

He was still shaking when I pulled away, taking his hand in mine, “come on, your sons need you” I whispered. Tears still going down his cheek, we walked outside. Luke was standing outside the car, holding Charlie.

“MUMMY! DADDY!” Luke put Charlie down, and he ran over to us.

“Hey buddy” Calum picked him up, smiling even bigger, about time he started like a father again.

“You said mummy wouldn’t be coming back, but mummy’s back!” he smiled,

“Yeah mate, mummy’s back” he kissed Charlies cheek, holding onto my hand with his spare hand,

 “Are we seeing Benny now?” Charlie asked,

“What happened to Benny?” Calum happy tears going down his face left, leaving the tears to turn to fear and regret.

“I’ll explain once we’re there, right now I just need to see him” we walked over to the car.


sorry for the awkward ending, but i'ts 1:33am right now.

Happy weekend :)

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*if you didn't smile while reading this... i don't even know what to say... i started to cry while writing it*

No More Study (sequel to SB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora