4\\Fatherly Arguments

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The noises around the entry only made me even more nervous. The receptionist's on the front desk were answering the phones and writing down appointments. A few of the ladies there gave me a smile and wave as I sent one back, a nervous smile on my face. As the elevator opened on the ground floor, I stepped in and pressed level 5, the level my office is on. The music inside the elevator slowly almost made me go insane, as I started to bite one of my nails.

The elevator dinged when it reached my level, stepping out slowly as I was greeted by my assistant, Leyla. "Good morning Ms. Evans," Leyla sent me with a smile as she was typing on the computer. "I take it you had a lovely afternoon, yesterday?"

"Good morning Leyla, I did indeed, thank you for asking. Have I got any scheduled appointments this morning?"

Leyla typed something in the computer before clicking around a few times. "Um, you have one right now waiting for you."

"Thank you, Leyla. Any emergencies, don't hesitate to come in," Leyla nodded as she turned to pick up the phone that was ringing continuously. Taking a deep breath, I pushed the doors to my office open and was greeted by the man himself. His back was to me as I walked in, a smirk covering my face as my eyesight was caught by the breath-taking view of New York. "Well, good morning Leon, isn't it just the most fantastic weather? It's surely cleared up from the rain last night."

"You and I need to have a little chat, Daughter," completely and utterly ignoring my comment about the weather, he sighed loudly as all I did was stare out the window. "Right now would be a great time to start."

Whisking my view away from outside, I walked over to my desk as he was sitting on opposite side, placing my bag under my desk and as I sat down, I opened my laptop and logged in. I smiled at him, my nervousness suddenly vanishing and my more confident side become predominant. "About what, exactly? I haven't done anything wrong, boss."

"I told you numerous times yesterday to come back to work and you disobeyed me," Leon sneered, the anger beginning to show in his face. As he looked outside the window, a smirk emerged on my lips. "You didn't text me back and you specifically avoided my calls. I don't care whether or not you have a hormonal moment and decide to become rebellious; you are coming to that ball."

"I'm sorry," I let out a giggle, his face turning into a frown. "But since when can you, boss me around with personal stuff? I'm twenty-one not seventeen. I don't have to go anywhere with you. Now are you quite done? I have work to do."

Leon sat in his seat, flabbergasted, he didn't know how to respond to my smart remarks. That stupid ball is a no-go, I don't want to be stuck in a room with rich peasants that hire girls to be their dates for a significant amount of money. Even if Leon paid me to go with him, I wouldn't touch that ball with a ten-foot pole without my rules.

"It's a charity ball, Phoebe. The charity that people will be donating too involves sick babies and children," Leon admitted, trying to play the sympathy card. He's trying to get me to cave in by mentioning about sick babies and children because he knows I hate seeing people suffer. "Please come, even if you only stay for a little while."

"And why does taking me have such a big involvement with the charity ball? Take your fuckbuddy, Tiffany," as I avoided the topic of going, Leon's dangerous stares began to come into view. I didn't care if he hated that I called Tiffany his fuckbuddy, he shouldn't either. That's all she is to him, a fuckbuddy and nothing else. "I'm sure she would be happy to be your plus one."

As my fingers stopped typing while I sorted out some files, Leon leaped up from his seat and slammed my laptop lid down causing me to swallow hard; his piercing brown eyes almost puncturing through my sea blue orbs. My back was leaning against my chair as he was trying to intimidate me.

Conflicting Attractions // h.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora