Chapter 3 - The First Night

Start from the beginning

"Um, anythings fine really. I'm pretty tired so can we stay here?"

"Okay! Let's play 20 questions, let's just get to know each other today. Hey, are you hungry. I'm starving!" He says, I start giggling, he seemed pretty hungry.

"Yea sure, and nope I made myself a sandwich earlier, but do you want to order some pizza?"


When our pizza arrived, we started our game of 20 questions. I don't even know Gerard but I knew that I was going to like him already. He seemed like a pretty weird dude, but he was funny. We soon figured out that we had a lot in common.

"Okay, first. How old are you and when is your birthday?" He says, then taking a bite of his pizza.

"18, March 22 1977, you?"

"18, April 9 1977," He says quickly, he looks around thinking of a new question.

"Do you play an instrument?"

"I can play guitar, but I'm not really good at it.... I was kicked out of my school band because I sucked too much." He starts laughing, and I feel my cheeks turn bright red. Fuck my pale skin. He then notices my embarrassment and says,

"Hey if it makes you feel better, I got kicked out of a band too. I couldn't play Sweet Home Alabama on th guitar. I was really sad about it, and I stopped playing..." And that did make me feel a little better, I guess we were more alike then I thought.

We continue our rapid fire of questions until we ran out. I then gather up the courage to ask him something that had been in the back of my head since I had met him.

"How was high school like for you?" I ask, I didn't mean to pry; but I wanted to know if I could relate to him; hoping that he was my release.

Gerard hesitates and soon opens his mouth to speak, "Hell, I fucking hated it. I hate the people and all the teachers. I moved schools a lot because I would always get picked on. During middle school I was always the guy who would sing at events, but when high school came up I was the weird fat kid that drew a lot. No friends, stayed home and drew. My parents and my brother felt bad for me, and tried to make me feel better. I was so glad when it was all over. It's something that I want to forget. What about you?"

Oh dear god, this is going to get bad. I'm going to say to much.

"It was fucking crap, no one liked me; I was cool with it since I hated everyone too. The teachers hated me, they fucking ignored me when I was being beaten the shit out of by the jocks. The girls made fun of my fucking hair. No one ever invited me to a party, I didn't even go to prom because I was so hated. I was tormented everyday, people used to put notes in my locker telling me to just go ahead and kill myself, and I even tried once. I stayed inside all the time, I drew. I went to therapy and that didn't fucking help because my therapist was drunk all the time and just prescribed with all these anti-depressants that didn't fucking help at all. The only people I could consider as friends were my mom and dad, and I don't even think they like me either. No one appreciated me. No one gave a shit, and no one ever will. I was invisible, and I still am. Oh my god, I'm sorry, I said too mu-"

It took me a few seconds to fully understand what had interrupted my rambling.

He had hugged me.

For a long time too, and soon I realized that I was crying. I buried my face into his neck, and just cried. He smelled of mints, and the scent made me feel safe. He ran his hands up and down my back slowly and softly, and kept on whispering, "It's okay to not being okay Jay. It's okay".

After I stopped crying, I pulled back, and stared into his eyes. And how beautiful they were. His sweatshirt was tear stained, and the right side of his neck, was all covered with tears, and a black eyeliner, which I assumed to be smudged eyeliner.

I break our gaze and start to stare at the floor "I'm sorry, I never really talked about it to anyone. I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry." I say softly.

Gerard wipes of the tears on my face, and hugs me again. He puts both hands on my shoulders, and stares straight into my eyes. I feel my cheeks burn in embarassment, as I stare back into his eyes.

"I don't mind Jade. I'm glad you told me. You're amazing Jade. You are the most beautiful and talented person I have ever been friends with, and that's saying a lot since we've only just met.  Plus you have kick ass hair." I laugh at the last part, he was amazing. Thank god he was my roommate,

He was perfect.

I felt a smile grow on my face as we both stared at each other. He soon returned it with a bigger smile. 

"Smile more Jay, you're prettier like that."

And after that we spent the whole night drawing, listening to music and talking about comic books. It was the first night I ever felt happy.

It was the first night I ever spent with a friend.

The Song Left Unstarted (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now