January 25th, 2017

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Dear mermaids,

One word:


I just got a text. Guess who it's from?


And guess what he said?

Rhys: Hey

Here's how our conversation went.

ten minutes later:
Me: Who r u

Rhys: Rhys

Me: Um I know like eighteen Rhyses

Rhys: Rhys from school, u gave me ur number so we can talk about the science project😂

Me: OHHH. Hi.

Rhys: Hi.

Me: Well I gtg eat bye

And that was how our conversation went. I know, I know, it was lame, but it's something, okay? Imagine that happening to you. I even screenshotted it. Don't rain on my parade.

I'm actually really starting to be decent with my freezing power. Even though I still need to improve on controlling it (I may or may not have frozen the water in my sink and I can't turn it on anymore until it melts), I'm beginning to put this power to use.

My door has no lock, so if I want privacy I just freeze the doorknob like those people in the show "h2o Just Add Water" or whatever it's called. I think I'm gonna start watching the series soon.

Also, I'm having some fun with it, too. Jack put some microwaveable lasagna in the microwave and when he wasn't looking, I took it out and re-froze it. Then I put it back in the microwave and told him the lasagna was ready and when he took it out it was freezing again.

You would not believe the look on his face. That's just payback for being such an annoying sibling, hehehe


Tomorrow I plan on heading to the beach after school to see what it's like swimming in there. Marisa is coming, too, so I won't be alone, and she's already been in the ocean many times before. I'm so excited!!!

Okay, I really gotta go now because I'm sitting in the bathtub in my tail while writing this and I've been in here for a while so I should dry off now.

Signing off,


QOTD (okay maybe not QOTD it's just one question for now): Where are my fellow mermaids from?

Diary of a Mermaid (true story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora