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Allen sat at his desk that same night looking at the history of Richard Austen. He tried to uncover Richard's past and what he came across left his mouth open. Richard was an ex-convict. Locked up twice for drugs and robbery. But he still did not get how he could have worked in the pentagon for so long and nobody knew he had criminal records. Having criminal records automatically ruled you out from being able to have a job at the pentagon. Richard must be more dangerous than I thought, Allen thought to himself. Allen had been at the office for a long time looking at Richard's records as well as the camera footage that he told Sloane he would take care of. It was frustrating how nothing added up. He went through the recordings twice and still did not see anyone leaving or entering Sloane's office apart from her. Right when he was about to give up he went through the recordings a third time and slowly this time. His eyes widened at what he found. The son of a bitch.
His investigation was disturbed when he got a call from a scared computer scientist from Metro
labs telling him about the proton fuser being stolen. After he told him his name, Allen said,
"Okay Barry calm down. I need you to do something now. You remember Richard Preston? The guy Astrid had you to track?"
"Yes I remember him. I follow his movements every time."
"Good. Since you had a tracker installed under his car I am going to need you to check where he is right now. You can do that can you?"
"Yes I can. Give me a minute." After he checked Richard's position he said.
"He is on his way to number 20 River lane now."
That was all Allen needed to hear. He told Barry to just calm down and not to worry about the theft. He was going to take care of it. Then as he grabbed his jacket and his keys he called Sloane and warned her that Richard was coming for her.
"Sloane if you are home alone you better lock the doors and the windows."
"What? Why? Is something wrong?"
"Richard just stole the proton fuser from Metro labs and he is heading your way. I think he is coming to get you. I am on my way but he would get there before I do. Keep yourself safe."
Sloane could not believe what she was hearing. So Allen was right about Richard all along. No, this was not happening. She quickly bolted her door and windows but she did not know she was too late. While she was on the phone with Allen, Richard had already sneaked into her house and was waiting for her to get off the phone. He quietly wrapped his arms around her before she could react and whispered in her ear, "You honestly don't believe everything they tell you, do you?" Her muscle tensed against his touch. She tried to stay calm when he turned her around to face him. Even when he was about to do something horrible to her she still found him attractive?  Damn her hormones.
"Let go of me Richard, I know what you're up to" She told him, trying to sound calm. He looked amused. A smirk played on his lips as he looked at her. His consolation prize. He did not like how scared she looked this moment. He lifted a finger to trace her face but she jerked away. The smirk was replaced with a small frown. His prize rejected his touch.
"I don't want to hurt you Sloane; as a matter of fact I want you with me. Beside me while I rule this world." He said it so casually as if it was normal to take over the world. This man was insane. She did not want to think of what he would do to her if she said no but she had to take a chance. She couldn't agree to go with him. Over her dead body will that happen.
"Over my dead body will I agree to that ​Austen" she spat.
"I was afraid you were going to say that. I'm going to have to take you by force then." His grip on her became stronger. She tried her best to escape and managed to hit him on his lower abdomen. He let go of her as he cursed in pain but not long enough for her to get far. Before she could pull her gun from where she usually kept it he grabbed her and covered her nose with a rag that contained some kind of sedative. She tried to kick him but he held it tight against her nose and when he felt her fall limp against him he carried her to his car and took her to where he was sure no one would find them.

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