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When Allen got to Sloane's house he knew he was late already. The lights were on but when he knocked he got no answer. He called Barry to ask him where Richard was now before he lost him.
"I think he is heading to his house in church street."
Of course. Where else would he have taken her? Allen was about to call for backup but Barry said something else,
"No wait. He did not stop there, now he is heading for chestnut avenue."
That sounded weird.
"Is there any odd place there he could hide in?"
"Just an abandoned warehouse. Nothing else."
Allen could not recall a warehouse being in that area.
"Stay where you are. I am coming over with some people to look at what you are saying."
He called the rest of his team and had them meet him at Metro labs.
Meanwhile at Richards underground lab at the warehouse which he had built without anybody noticing, he had Sloane tied to a chair. When she came to she tried to wriggle off the ropes but he said,
"Do not even bother. It is as tight as anything. I am well aware of how strong you are my pretty, I should know, I trained with you."
He had sat in a corner watching her the whole time. Waiting for her to awake so that he could tell her about his plan. He knew what seeing her tied up in a seat did to his heart but he would not take the chance of untying her and getting beat up before the main event started.
"Untie me."
"Let me think about it. No." As much as he wanted to untie her and touch her he did not.
"Not until I have carried out my plan.
"So you were the one that sent me that note. Allen was right. I should have known it was you. The night at dinner. I never told you my address the whole time we were partners."
"Precisely. You see I have always had this dream of making my father proud when I grew up. But when he died because of me I became so bitter. He was the only one that understood the wicked side of me. I got it from him of course. I started dealing in drugs, then robbery. Not even my mother knew this part of me. She always thought I was over being evil. She was wrong."
He paced the room while he talked.
"While I was prison for some time it made me think it was time to stop pretending to be good and embrace my real self. I decided to look for something else to do when I got out. The perfect plan that would have made my father proud. I started to read on federal spies and orthodox files. That was when I came across the cell replicator and proton fuser. I knew working as a federal spy would get me closer to them. Getting the cell replicator was easy. I paid Silver's former employee to do the work for me. Made sure he left his prints so that when you find it you guys would be blaming Silver. The only problem I had was where to find the proton fuser. But thanks to you and your grandfather you made it easier for me. I just never anticipated that I would fall in love with you."
He reached out again to touch her but she jerked away.
"You are going to join me even if I have to do it by force."
"Then what were you going to use the cell replicator to do?" Sloane asked.
"I am sure your grandfather also told you that the cell replicator also gives powers. So instead of cloning myself I am going to give myself powers. More powers than you can ever imagine and use them to rule the world. I know you already know what would happen if I used it on someone that is already evil. So imagine how powerful I could become." He grinned wickedly before continuing.
"Then I will use it to turn every criminal locked up evil and use them for my own advantage. If I eventually get bored with that I would build a time machine and travel to the future and rule that world too."
"You are insane."
He kissed her and she bit his lip.
"I know. That is why I have you. So if you will excuse me I am going to get on with my plan."
When he left to charge up the cell replicator with the proton fuser Sloane looked for a way to escape. She had a penknife in the boots she was wearing. Only if she could reach it maybe she could cut through the ropes. Of all days to be kidnapped by a wacko it had to be a day I did not have my laser lipstick with me, she thought. But she tried to reach for the penknife anyway. She had to escape and stop Richard before the cell replicator was fully charged and before he turned this world to dooms Ville.

While You Slept Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ