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William took a closer look at the vault. There was loud classic music playing and he was humming to it. According to him it made him concentrate better. It really annoyed the others but Sloane did not allow any of them to touch the music box. If they wanted William to help them then they had to agree with him. He called their attention with a leap of joy.
"Just as I suspected. What you are looking for is a cell disintegrator."
"What does that do?" Sloane asked him.
"It opens a kind of portal when you use it. Makes it easier for a living matter to pass through. At least he was not caught in the portal when it closed. That would be an ugly sight." He replied sounding amused.
"With that device you can walk through walls, metal, wood, anything. And you mentioned he stole a cell replicator right?"
"Yes he did. Whoever it was. Should we be worried?"
"No. Not at all. He could not really do anything with it unless he had a proton fuser. That is when you should be worried."
"And what does that one do?" Allen asked this time.
"You know the cell replicator can only duplicate small things like plants and small animals. It can only be used on humans if it is attached to a proton fuser. It acts a giant energy source. The problem is if you are zapped with it turns you evil."
"What if you're already evil?" Allen asked.
"Then you would be completely unstoppable."
Then he said something else completely unrelated to the topic as if what he had just revealed was not bad news.
"Can I have a carrot stick? Been long since I had one of those."
"You will. Soon. Now where can we find a proton fuser?" Sloane asked impatiently. This case had to be solved before something really bad happened.
"There is only one place I remember that has one of those. It is even somewhere you work with. Can I have my carrot stick now?"
"Damn it. Where Preston?" Allen asked impatiently.
William was not too happy that he was not getting his carrot stick.
"Metro labs of course. They need enough energy for what they do down there."
"Get him a bag of carrots or anything else he needs" Allen barked to one of the other agents, Agent Harold.
Then he said to Sloane, "I am going to call Astrid and warn her. She might be in danger. In the mean time you have done enough for today." He did not want to, but he had to,
"I will ask Richard to take you home."
Sloane began to protest but he left her and went to where Richard was and told him. She did not notice Richard all day but when she saw him she had this sudden urge to throw her hands around him and hug him close but her hands remained fixed at her sides. Before she turned to face Richard she asked Allen if he was able to take care of the codes.
"I completely forgot and we can't have Astrid do that now. Just go home I'll deal with it later." Before he left he asked again, "Where exactly did you keep it?"
"In a manila envelope just on my desk. You can't miss it." He gave her a nod and left them to call Astrid.
"How was the reunion?" Richard asked her when she finally turned to him.
"It was not that exciting if you must know." She answered and threw her chin up.
"You have to learn how to stop poking that stubborn chin of yours at me." He said pulling it down with his thumb and index finger. Her whole body twitched with the touch.
"Guess you have had enough stress for one day. Come on, I will take you home." He continued.
"Don't you have anything else to do here?"
He looked around. "I do not think so. Agent Grey has it covered. But even if I did I do not think I will be missed. You are more important."
She stopped arguing and he took her home. Surprisingly when he talked to her she opened up to him. Even when they got to her porch steps she was still laughing at his jokes.
"I did not know you were this funny Richard." She said smiling.
"There is a lot about me you do not know about." He replied and flashed him a smile that showed off his dimples.
He was right; she was too busy resenting him that she did not realize he was not a bad guy at all. She immediately dismissed Allen's assumptions as rubbish.
They just stood there looking at each other hand in hand. Everywhere was so quiet; there was even a full moon out. He reached out and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. She looked so beautiful. He had to take a chance. He drew her closer and this time she did not move away. Even when his lips came down on hers she did not become hard against him bust instead she felt really soft and gentle against his rigid body. He kissed her, lightly at first and when she responded he kissed her again his lips demanding. He wrapped his arms around her small waist and pulled her closer to him. He loved how she smelt, like lilies and raspberries. Her arms were around his neck pulling him closer also. She inhaled him deeply. Gosh he smelt so good.
They did not know who pulled away first but they stood there after the kiss, both of them breathing heavily. Sloane bit her lip,
"You are awfully good at that Austen. Awfully good. I guess we both saw that coming."
He laughed, "I guess we did. You are very irresistible Preston." It took every muscle in his body to stop him from grabbing her and kissing her again and making sure she saw stars after it.
"I will be seeing you. You better get some rest."
Then he turned around and headed for his car. Sloane stood there and watched him go. She was certain he had a smirk on his face as he drove away. The atmosphere was still but she shivered. She went into her home away from the unknown cold. She noticed she was very hungry and was happy when she found roasted chicken in her fridge. As she warmed it she also made a salad and a spicy sauce to go with the veal. After eating she was too exhausted to do any other thing so she left her plate in the sink and went up to her to room to have a quick shower. She lay on her bed thinking of Richard and unconsciously lifted a hand to her lips. It still felt warm. She drifted off to sleep with a smile plastered on her face.
Richard was far from sleeping. He lay on his bed staring into space. He had longed to kiss Sloane and now that he had he wanted more. Patience he reminded himself. He still had other things to take care of now things were made easier for him. Very soon he would have her all to himself. With that satisfaction he closed his eyes and in minutes he was out like a light.

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