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"Oh my gosh, well if it isn't Trisha Marvil." Sloane said as she threw her hands over the slender girl that stood at her doorway.
"Well surprise!" she said hugging Sloane back. Sloane was so thrilled to see her; they were best friends since middle school but spilt up after their first year of college because Trisha moved to Chicago to study media while Sloane stayed back and studied criminology and eventually got the job of a federal spy. But she had not anticipated meeting Trisha anywhere again let alone her house.
"Yes it is! How are you?"
"I'm good. Very awesome."
"I can see that. Well come in, I was just about to make lunch." Sloane mentioned as she invited her in. Trisha looked round Sloane's home.
"You have a nice place." She commented.
"Thank you. I haven't lived in it very long though" Sloane replied looking in her fridge for fresh chicken cuts. "How do you like your chicken? Grilled or fried?"
"It's okay; I rather have something to drink."
Sloane fetched them a bottle of scotch and poured for each of them a glass while they caught up on past lives.
"So what brought you back anyways?"
"Well I'm only visiting. I have this assignment to cover some news on whales and any other extraordinary stuff going on. I looked up your address and decided to drop by."

"So what about your police job, or rather your spy job." She continued and whispered on the last part. Trisha knew about her job as a federal spy because in the few years they kept in touch with letters she had mentioned it to her a few times.
"Do you get all those cute talking dogs and robot butlers?"
Sloane laughed. Trisha still had an active imagination. That was why she could turn a horrible situation to a happy one.
"Of course I don't. That is for special agents."
"What's the difference?"
"Special agents get the talking dog and robot butlers. Federal spies don't"
Trisha rolled her eyes. "Still the same."
She dropped her glass and sat cross legged on the sofa and continued talking, "So, any special person yet and I do not want to hear any of your typical sass talk about men."
"Well I would not call it sass rather it's the truth." Sloane said defending herself. The thought of Richard floated in her mind the she shook her head again. "There is absolutely no special person in my life yet."
"Well when your eighty and living with cats do not tell me I did not warn you.
Sloane gave her a playful shove. To hear Trisha make corny jokes again was really nice. It felt like old times when they would just sit down and gossip about their friends. But the moment was cut short when she got a call from Allen reminding her about the chip which she had already forgotten about. Before she returned the phone to its cradle she dialed Astrid's number to know if she was in the lab. When Astrid confirmed she was there Sloane returned the phone and began to clear the glasses.
"That was work; I need to drop off something at our lab." She told Trisha.
"Well no problem. I was about to leave anyways. It was great seeing you." She replied giving Sloane a hug. "I'll come over again but now those dolphins aren't going to interview themselves."
"I thought they were whales."
"Whatever. See you later." Trisha said and let herself out through the front door. Then she came back inside and grabbed her keys from the table and waved at Sloane.
Sloane smiled. Trisha was still forgetful. At least she wasn't still clumsy.
Once Sloane had finished with the glasses she grabbed her coat and put on a pair of sneakers and was on her way to the Pentagon.

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