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Sloane headed to the holding units in the lower floor of the pentagon where her grandfather was kept. That was the first thing she wanted to do  before she went to see Allen but what he had told her a few minutes ago still played in her memory. She refused to believe that Richard was the guy they were looking for. She needed some kind of reassurance but she had not seen him all day. The kiss was still fresh in her memory too and she just wanted to see him. And now the thought about someone breaking into her office sent shivers up her spine. This was the second time it was happening and it made her feel unsafe. First it was at home and now she was facing the same problem at work. She hoped Allen would figure it out before something bad happened to her. She had to avoid coming to work alone as well. When she got to the room where her grandfather was kept she could not stop the tears that were slowly rolling down her cheeks. Apparently he was watching television and laughing like a young child. She really missed seeing him that way. She wiped the tears off and said,
"Hello William, how are you today."
He turned when he heard her and gestured for her to join him where he sat. "Never been better. The food they give me here is much better than what they give me at that horrible place. I just wish I did not have to go back."
Sloane was aware of the eyes that were staring at her now like that of a child wishing for an early Christmas present. She did not want to take away the joy he felt now.
"I guess I could talk to my head and ask if you he can make you stay here permanently. But you have to promise me no more weird experiments or I will have them take you back."
It made him happier hearing that.
"Yes! Oh yes I promise you no experiments. I would do anything just to stay here. But I would also like to see outside too."
"Alright. I'll tell Eunice to take you out. But you won't stay very long."
He clapped his hands joyfully and embraced her. She hugged him back and got up to leave. She called Eunice, the help that was in charge of him and asked her to take him out. She warned her that they should not be long outside.  She nodded and Sloane left. The last person she wanted to see before she did any serious work that day was captain Reed.
He was hunched over his desk when she got there, looking at some bunch of papers. He did not even hear her when she came in.
"Have a seat Agent Preston. Any luck yet on Silver?"
As she sat down she did not want to tell him about Allen's thought about Richard or the missing files. So she said instead,
"No sir. It did not pan out. We are still back to square one. But we know where else he might attack."
"I know that. I read it up in the report Allen dropped off. I guess your grandfather was very useful."
"Yes he was. And that's why I am here. That and I also want to ask how possible it was for me to take an early vacation. It's this family trip we are having and my mother would really like me to go."
"Well of course you can. You have really worked hard these last few months. But you have to solve this case before you leave." He's tone was serious at the last part.
"What about your grandfather?"
"Thank you sir. I wanted to know if you can make my grandfather's stay here permanent. I promise you I will take really good care of him. No experiments, no wandering, nothing bad at all. He really likes it here." She rattled out before she would chicken out of the request.
Joseph gave it a long and hard thought, but he finally concluded,
"I don't see why not. We need a brain like that to work with us. If he does nothing bad for a while he could help out in Metro labs. I will make a few calls and see what I can do."
Sloane was more than thrilled at the response. She thanked him and promised they would get to the bottom of the problem as soon as possible. She got up and left his office.
For the rest of the day she went through training without Richard which was a first. Then she got some paper work done and it was not until some hours before closing that Richard showed up. He apologized for not being around earlier that day.
"I was really busy with something." That was all he had said. She only gave him a nod and while she packed up the rest of her things to leave he moved towards her behind the desk and wrapped his hands around her waist. Sloane gasped at the sudden touch but soon relaxed when he pulled her closer to him. Then he leaned down and whispered in her ear, 
"If it helps, I couldn't get you out of my mind today. Especially the kiss." He brushed his lips against the side of hers making butterflies to form in her stomach. She wanted him so bad. She realized he had the same feeling when she felt his erection against her thighs as he pulled her impossibly closer. He backed her up against the wall and covered any space between them. He used his index finger and thumb to lift her chin to face him. He stared at her face for some seconds. She was so beautiful, she definitely owned his heart. He lowered his head to claim her lips in a gentle kiss and when she kissed him back it made him hungry for her kisses and made the kiss more demanding and hard. He kept one hand her on her waist and the other behind her head to deepen the kiss. He gently bit her lower lip to ask for entrance and she allowed his tongue to explore inside of her. It felt really good and Sloane couldn't think straight. Damn Richard was a wonderful kisser. His tongue explored inside of her and that made him deepen the kiss more. He had to control himself before he would take her right there on her office desk. How was it possible for someone to taste this good? Forget control, he was going to take her here now. He started to pull at the ends of her jacket and when she shrugged it off he went for the buttons of her shirt next. But when he undid the first two her hands shot up to cover her chest, breaking the kiss. She was bright red and it was obvious she was embarrassed. Richard cursed himself for taking things too far.
"uh it's late Richard I think it's better if we leave" Sloane said while she buttoned her shirt with shaky hands and wore her jacket once more. Richard agreed with her but couldn't resist asking, "Are you sure you don't want to finish what you started?"
She gave him a shy smile and shook her head. She had to end it before things got out of hand. He shrugged and asked her out on a date again while he gave her warm smile. As much as she wanted to spend more time with him, especially after what just happened, she had other things she had to do. She was running out of time to get this case solved. So she declined his request. Despite what Allen said she wasn't going to stay away from Richard. He gave her feelings that she wasn't sure that existed. She packed up the rest of her things and left her office with Richard trailing behind her.

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