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The next morning, Bryce Greene, the head of the FBI in Boston sat in his office going through paperwork. Damn he needed a cigarette. He all but lusted for one. But he promised his wife he was going to quit and he intended to keep the promise. It took everything he had to not grab one now and light it. Too uncomfortable to do anything now he stood up and walked towards the window and looked out. It overlooked the city.
Things have really changed, he thought. Sure it was awesome being the chief of the FBI but it was not as fun as being a secret agent. All you did was to sit around, read cases and send people to take care of any assignment. It was no fun at all. It tend to make one lazy. Well, those days are over he thought with bitterness. Turning from the window he looked around his office. The place gave him a sense of solitude. Somewhere he could think, work. He had done some of the two.
Just then he got a call from Joseph back in Manhattan. He informed him that one of his agents, Sloane Preston, was coming that morning to visit one of the mental institutes.
“It was her idea. But technically it’s a mission. And we need clearance. Unless of course you would want to join her. But the patient she is going to see is William Preston. Her grandfather.”
The name rang a bell for Bryce and he could not hide his shock.
“Are you sure? Did you cross reference everything?”
“We did. But she insisted on going alone. That is the only way we can get our problem solved.”
“I see. I will meet her there. Which institute is it?”
“Medora Mental Institute.”
Even when the connection was lost, Bryce wondered why they wanted to see that lunatic. He shrugged and sat down to continue with his paperwork.

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