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Sloane sat with William and tried to have a conversation with him. It was terribly hard because it seemed being in the institution for so long made him withdrawn to himself. He only spoke in low murmurs and whispers to himself. Probably he had Multiple Personalities Syndrome and she would not be surprised at all. Since talking with him did not work she looked around the room. It was so old and smelt kind of damp. Some of the wall paintings were already peeling off but at least there was enough ventilation.
"You are scared of me aren't you?"
"No, of course not. Why would I." she answered startled but she knew he was right.
"I would not blame you if you were. They all are. They think I am insane."
Then he laughed a hearty laugh.
"You are still my granddaughter. My most cherished one. I still love you very much."
Obviously he knew what others thought of him but to hear him say them made her to be ashamed of thinking the same way. Her eyes welled with tears as she remembered the good times they had together. Before she could embarrass herself any further, Bryce walked in with William's physician, Earl Britt. After introductions, he gave her some instructions on how to take care of William for the short period of time he would be away. Including his medications and his meals. They took him in to get him ready. While she waited for him she called Allen and told him she was coming back soon with William. And that she should send some agents to pick them up at the airport and he should meet them at the Big W. She wanted this case solved.
But when he told her of how Silver was clean of all the charges she was bummed. That ruled out the only suspect they had. Now she was more than excited to get back to the vault.

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