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Sitting down at his desk in his office, Captain Joseph Reed sipped a hot cup of coffee while he attended to files on his desk. He was the head of the secret agent division of the Pentagon. A huge man in his early thirties, he took care of all federal case files and he sent agents on missions that needed to be attended to. And right now there was a mission at hand. He pushed the files away out of frustration and got up from his seat. He walked towards the window that over looked the town and he looked out. Silver was back. How could this be? Last time as he recalled, they took care of him and locked him up in one of the most secured prison back in Boston. He most have gotten out, Joseph thought. And now he had to get him back in. If possible kill him; he was too much of a threat. Silver was a very popular criminal. Last time he had tried to travel through time where he would alter the future and make sure he was in control of the world but of course it did not work out. He's plan was not full proof. After serving years in jail he was never granted parole. Joseph turned around when he heard the phone on his table ring. His long time secretary, Joan Bainbridge was on the other end and she informed him that Sloane was here to see him. He told her to let Sloane in. He asked her to sit down on the seat opposite him and he went straight to business.
"Agent Preston, we have a problem." He said while he handed her one of the files marked top secret on his desk. While she went through it, he continued,
"Silver has escaped from prison. I'm sure you remember him"
"How can I forget? I helped to lock him up"
"Well we picked up satellite photos of him on one of the streets in Boston. He wasn't undercover so I guess he has nothing to be afraid of."

Joseph handed her another file containing the pictures he was talking about.
"But he doesn't seem to be doing anything evil and we haven't heard anything yet so we are going to keep a close eye on him" Joseph continued.
"Okay. That's a great idea. But how did he get out?"
"We don't know yet. But I have my people working on it. You should look over those files and tell me if I missed anything. "
Right then Joseph's cellphone rang. He answered it which signaled the end of their conversation. Sloane rose and left his office and at once began to read the files had given her once she got to her office. It was still a little after one o'clock which meant she still had a lot of time to go through them. She was still at it when Richard came and pulled her against her will to have lunch with him.
"You just have to let me buy you lunch Sloane. You work a lot and I'm going to change that." He had said. After much persuasion she finally agreed. She could handle just one lunch with him. Just one she promised herself then she would not agree to anything else again.
They spent about an hour talking over pasta Bolognese and a salad. Richards was quite interesting, she noticed. He had a sandy blonde hair that fell into sapphire blue eyes. And he had a face off set by a strong jaw and lips that were so attractive when he smiled. She sipped her iced tea and looked at her wristwatch. As much as she was having a great time with him she had to get back to those files and head home early.
"Richard thanks for the lunch, but we've got to head back to work" she told him.
"Alright, I need to work on some extra materials myself." He replied. He waved one of the waiters over to get the bill. Once he brought it Richard paid it and dropped a generous tip also.
"Shall we?" he asked Sloane as he got up. He helped her put on her coat and she smiled at the gesture. In some minutes later they were back at the Pentagon. She thanked Richard again for the lunch and headed for her office to go through the rest of the files. Once she was done she dropped them with Jane on her way out to deliver to the captain. Glad she did not run into Richard again, she turned on the ignition and zoomed out.

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