Chapter 33 (Maxon's POV)

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Hey I don't have anything to put here really I just felt like filling up space! Enjoy!!!!!!!

Chapter 33

(Maxon's POV)

America ran inside, trying not to look back. I sighed. She has been through so much! She shouldn't have to have gone through that much trouble to stay, for me! I have been so selfish! Maybe I should just let her go home. The thought of that made me nearly want to vomit. And then another thought popped into my mind, will she even be safe there? Because here she has guards and the cellars and the whole castle to protect her but at her house, what does she have? No one, and maybe the rebels don't just want to hurt me emotionally maybe the rebels know the power she has to start something. Something like a revolution. I can't she doesn't know the danger she's in by going back. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I am just over thinking this, I might just be coming up with excuses to make myself think she should stay.

I need to give her a choice. It's only right. I walked into the castle. I needed to talk with her. She was probably in her room. I headed up the stairs and then I heard America's voice chime into my range of hearing. "I'm sorry your highness, I wasn't watching where I was going." I froze. She must have bumped into my dad. He wasn't a big fan of me picking a 5 over a 2 like Celeste. He didn't approve my decision, like most of them. I leaned against the wall. I heard America's heels start to hurry down the hall I let out a sigh, he didn't say anything. My relief was short lived, I heard him as he quietly whispered in her ear, “That guard down there, the one you cried about. The dead one. You care for him a lot didn't you? I hope my son isn't as dumb as he can be sometimes. He actually thinks you love him, it's obvious you don't! Maxon just goes for a pretty face and that's all you are." I held in a breathe I hated him so much for saying that to her!

He was hurting her more than he knew he could, I was waiting to hear America's heels click down the rest of the hallway but I didn't hear anything... Then I heard her voice again, "King Clarkson, you have to know by now, there's more to me than what's on the surface." She said. Then I heard her leave down the hall. I couldn't help but smile. She was amazing. I heard my dad mumble and then he walked away I needed to get to America's room and tell her everything I needed to. Then there were a strong pair of arms around me that pinned me to the wall. My dad, "Maxon," He hissed, "How much did you hear?" I turned away from his face. I learned after many years never to make eye contact. "Put me down father!" I said. He just pushed me up against the wall harder.

He made me turn my face to look at him, "Maxon, HOW MUCH DID YOU HEAR..." He asked again a little harsher. I couldn't resist this much longer. I needed to get to America. I had to lie, "Hear about what?" I asked pretending to sound worried. He didn't fall for it though. He pinned me harder against the wall. "Don't lie to me." He said. I sighed I had to tell him the truth now, he'd know if I lied, because I suck at lying. "Most of it, basically from the part of her apologizing to you." I said. He gently sat me down on my feet and loosened his grip on me, "I'm glad I don't have to recap it for you. Because you know it's true, what you feel for her, it's not love. But what you will feel for Celeste will be real." He said.

 I yanked my arms out of his grip, "No." I said under my breath. I looked down at the ground, I knew he heard me, "What?!" He asked a little enraged. I looked up at his eyes. "No." I said again a bit louder, He looked a little shocked. "What do you mean NO." I stared at him coldly in the eye, "Well father No means basically what it says it means no, and when I say no, I mean it like I will never love anyone but America and if you dare do anything to get her kicked out keep in mind that I am in charge of the selection and this is the one thing of mine that you don't get a say in. So if you do anything to her I will throw off this thing and I will not marry any of these girls."  He looked shocked, I had never stood up to him before, but he insulted my woman, I think I  can call her that, though I have no clue what we are, or if there even is an, us. But I knew one thing one true, I loved her and it was real.

I hurried down the hall leaving my dad furious, but there was nothing he could do because he knew that I was right and he knew me well enough to know that I would throw this selection thing out the door if I had to. I hurried down the rest of the halls all the way to her room, her door was open so I peeked in she was laying on the bed, tears stroked her face, she was asleep. She looked peaceful, as if she'd never been through any of this like it was normal. I knew she wanted it back she wanted everything back to normal,  and I knew the experience she has had here has made her hurt and I wanted to stop that hurt, if she ended up going home she'd be in more danger than ever, thy could use us against each other.

I couldn't bear that. I leaned on the door frame and I watched her sleep for a while before deciding to leave, I should tell her in the morning. I need to promise myself I wouldn't forget, or come up with a lame excuse. I will give her the choice to leave. Until then I should go to sleep. I walked to my room feeling a bit more powerful, I had stood up to my father. And speaking of him he was standing right where I left him. He turned to face me. "Maxon one last thing before you go, just remember I am still the king and I have the power to control you, like my puppet I can work through you to make sure you don't do anything stupid." I stared at him, I forgot and I knew he doesn't go down in flames that easily, I was clueless as to what to say but my lips moved before I could realize I was talking, "Dad right now you’re the one being stupid." At this he looked more enraged he was about to pin me to the wall again and then I saw my mom walk down the hallway, "Clarkson! You’re needed in the monitoring room." My dad looked deep into me as if he was staring deep into my soul.

 He pointed a finger at me, "This isn't over." He said then turned down the hall as my mom lead him to the room. I headed to my room and laid on my bed, sleep won't come easy tonight, because I realized, he wasn't afraid of me. And even worse he wasn't afraid to hurt America.

Sorry for the kinda short chapter please recommend a POV!!!!!!

Selection my way.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon