Chapter 8 (maxons POV)

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Hey guys I'm back! Thanks to all yal for the 97 reads! and thanks to Katie_Kat10 AGAIN for recommending Maxons POV. And remember... Dont just wait for someone else to post a POV because you know they will for you, cause lately they haven't so please try to comment if you can. THANKS! Now let's get started again shall we? Well you don't get a say in this because currently you are a machine... that I'm writing in... So... yeah this has officially gotten weird... just read!

Chapter 8

Maxon POV.

I walked to my room after dinner and let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding, America was fine, just a little clumsy in heels. I laughed at the memory of her taking each step as if she were over lava and the ground she was stepping on wasn't stable.I walked the rest of the way to my bed. I bent over and collapsed. This was exaughting!

I already let 7 of the 35 girls leave. I kicked them out and I felt so bad.The way they cried made me fell awful, I just hoped I did the right thing, I just didn't fell a spark. Being my first time dating I guess I have to troubleshoot. I let out a sigh. There was a knock at my door. I sat up and put on a smile. "Come in." I said.

A guard walked in, "Hello your highness. One of the girls has requested to see you. She's rather stubborn so she wouldn't leave the garden when asked. We almost had to drag her out, but she said she'd go in without trouble if she could talk with you really quickly." he said rolling his eyes. I nodded, already knowing what red headed terror awaited me. "Thank you, tell her I will be out in a minute." With that the guard nodded then left.

I walked out in the garden right when the guard left. I couldn't help but jog a little, I couldn't wait to hear what she had to say. I ran out and saw her, her red hair stood out like blood on a white dress. I walked up to her and she heard me coming and spin around. "Hey, Maxon." She said waving her hand. "You wanted to tell me something?" I asked. She looked down as if debating it. She finally looked up to meet my eyes but quickly glanced away. "I want to go home." she said. My mind raced, "What?" I asked again, I heard her but I wanted to make sure I heard her right. "I want to go home." she said with a little less hesitation. "Why?" I asked her.

She looked up to meet my eyes again. "I don't fit in here and Im not going to marry you any way, Im an empty space. Fill it with someone who deserves the crown. Im causing to much trouble now and I will only be trouble if I stay." she said her eyes still locked on mine."No,you haven't been any trouble, none at all I promise you have my word." I said looking her sternly in the eye. she looked worried, "I don't know Maxon..." she said. "America, they need you here... I need you here." I said. Her face got red. Was she angry? It's so hard to tell with her. I tried to put my arm around her to reassure her but she brushed it off. What was I doing wrong?

She looked me in the eye. "Maxon, I don't even know anymore... Im so confused." she said placing a hand in her forehead then slowly sinking to the ground. I kneeled down next to her on one knee placing a hand on her shoulder. She seemed to relax a little. I felt like we had a small connection in a way. "America, my dear, you don't have to worry. Your probably just confused and tired, please go to sleep and tell me what you think in the morning." She looked at me. "Don't call me that." I slapped my head, "sorry I forgot." she smiled then nodded slowly pulling herself to her feet, I assisted her up.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" she added a little more joyfully, I couldn't help but smile, "I needed to tell you, because of our deal I have to update you on what's what, okay so tommorow you need to ask Celia on a date. She has been dying to meet you one on one and I know her she's so sweet! You'll love her." I nodded slowly, "Okay but I haven't even had my first date yet... I probably could use some practice... And I was hoping to ask some else out first." she nodded slowly as if debating it. "Who?" she asked. I smiled at her.

Her jaw dropped. "No. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and NO!" she said, I laughed, "Please if Celia is as good as you say she is I don't want to screw things up, I could practice." I said, even though none of those reasons were true about why I wanted to ho out with her, she shrugged a little she shivered too.

I took of my jacket and placed it around her shoulders. She gave me a gratitude smile and wrapped it tighter around herself. "When?" she asked. I looked around as if searching for the answer. "Now?" I asked her. she shrugged. "Why not." she said, I put out my arm and she took it. we began walking in silence. I glanced at her she was starring at the moon. Her red hair glowed like mars sand and her green eyes like the stars. I needed to tell her how I felt about her, I liked being friends but it seemed like we could be more. How tell her. Then I got an idea,

"America?" I asked, she turned to face me, "Can you sing for me?" She looked a little shocked then started tearing up. What did I do?! Was it something I said!?!? I started to panic and go over what I had just said in my head to see if I could figure it out. She must have seen the worry in my eye. "Sure Aspen." she said. I paused, Aspen? Who's he? "America... Who's Aspen?" I asked.

Tears started spilling down her cheeks. God I was bad with women.I wanted to take back what ever I said to offend her I would never want to hurt her, I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out. America sunk down to her knees and threw her fist at the ground countless times before I placed my arms around her shoulder. Her sobs slowly became a whimper, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I said offering it to her. She shook her head. "No. You were bound to find out at some point." she said, drawling in a rough breathe.

"Aspen is from my home town... Right before I came here..." tears were starting to flow down her cheeks again, "he broke up with me, after we had dated for 3 years! I thought he was going to propose, but I was so STUPID! But we had to date in secret so no one else knew .He was the one who told me to put my name in the stupid selection drawling, and I thought what were my odds in getting picked?! I was so wrong. Then I was thrown into this and... Right before I left, I saw him. But he was with another girl." she let her body press closer to the ground. Tears now pouring down her cheeks. I didn't know what to do I was bad at comforting girls... I bent down and patted her shoulders rubbing the small on her back.

"Im sorry." was all that came out. I needed to say more though, "I had no clue. And I SWEAR if this guy who hurt you ever shows his face here, so help me..." America looked up at me and smiled placing her hand gingerly on top of mine. I grinned, apparently I wasn't as bad at comforting women as I thought. we stood up slowly. "Sorry," she said, " I probably look like a mess." She said, "No. You look lovely." I said. We proceeded out walk through the garden in silence, when we reached the end she hugged me and asked to walk the rest of the way alone, I allowed her. That was it my very first date, was with America.

I woke up early the next morning I couldn't get America out of my head. I slid my feet onto the cold marble floor, I remembered the promise I made to America about asking out Celia, if I could eliminate all the other girls right now I would, I wanted America. I didn't want to date any other girls.But a promise is a promise. I walked over to my desk and sloppily wrote a note to Celia asking her to meet me in the gardens at two. I handed it to the guard.

"Deliver this to room A6." I said then walked back into my room. I sat down on the bed and looked down at my table. I saw the corner of a paper sticking out from under my lamp. I pushed aside the lamp there was a folded up piece of paper. I slowly and gingerly unfolded it. It was America's entry form, it had her picture at the top and all the information about her at the bottom. I sat down on my bed again and decided to skip breakfast this morning. I just wanted to stare at her picture. So I did. I stared at it until a guard knocked on my door informing me it was two o'clock. Time for my date with Celia.

I walked out into the garden, Celia was standing there, rocking back and forth in heels, she wore a yellow sun dress that perfectly complemented her black hair and blue eyes. "Hi!" She said, turning to wave at me. then realizing she was suppose to curtsy she hit her head. It made her lose her balance and she fell to the ground. I quickly was there to help her up. I pulled her up with one arm she sprang up joyfully. "I guess it's a little late to curtsy?" she said. I smiled, what a great start! We started to walk a little and she started asking me questions about me, like why my favorite food is and things like that.

Finally I got to ask her something, "So Celia, what's your family like?" she looked up at the sky as if wanting to remember... "Well..." she started, "I have a twin sister, and my dad died , and my mom is very nice, My brother Aspen supplies for the family. He's been saving up a lot lately we think its cause he wants to get married, we can't wait for him to... Prince Maxon is everything okay your eyes are kind of large." she asked worried. My eyes were large, Celia was a great girl but her brother hurt America badly, he left a scar that couldn't heal the worst kind, a broken heart.

No matter how nice Celia is I couldn't bare to live with myself knowing what her brother did to America. I stood silent for awhile. I needed to eliminate Celia, and not hurt America in the process... But how?

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