Chapter 31 (Maxon's POV)

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  • Dedicated to ShanePMATT

Heyy thanks for reading and I'm really sorry if I hurt all you team Aspen people, but honestly, I don't think their are any... And if .you are a team aspen fan please say so in the comments below so I know if they actually existed ...


Chapter 31

(Maxon's POV)

The sound of a gun went off. Crap! I thought, America gave a small gasp and began to cry she leaned in to me and cried. I stroked her hair to comfort her. I wanted to talk to her to calm her and reassure her but it was too dangerous. So I just let her cry, she needed to, I know that's probably something I'd want someone to let me do. She began to get a little chocked up on her sobs. I heard the rebels outside, "We need to get out of here, we have been here to long, let go." I heard the footsteps walk away and the engine of a van start up and drive away.

I knew it was safe to talk now. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her in, "America I still don't know how to comfort crying women but I will try my best." I said, she cave a small chuckle that turned into another sob. She sat up and wiped away the tears. "Maxon, I want to get out of the cellar." I sighed, "America we can't. Once it's entered you can't get out for the next 72 hours, someone has to come and get us." She sunk lower against the ground.

She hit her head against the wall, and mumbled, "Why does this happen to me!" I didn't know what to do the only experience with women I ever had was with my mom and she never spent time with me because she spent most of her time running a country. My life has been so different from others it's hard to understand real issues. "Maxon, I think I need sleep." she said.

I nodded ad she scooted closer to me obviously just trying to stay warm she pressed her side against mine we fit together like puzzle pieces. She laid her head on my chest, she looked up at me sat up a little straighter and kissed my jaw line. "Goodnight." She said with tears still flowing down her cheeks. I wrapped my arms around her again. "Goodnight America."  I slowly let my eyelids flutter closed once I knew she was asleep. And I drifted into a deep and well needed rest.

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