Chapter 23 (Maxon's POV)

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Chapter 23

(Maxon's POV)

I put my emotions on the line I prayed she told me the same back, she was very hesitant, she looked like she was about to speak but I cut her off.  "I have to go inside, we are still trying to find out who let the rebels in, Celeste has been helping a lot, we need others help too, maybe you could swing by, because you were captured you were eliminated as a suspect and when you were gone, they came after Celeste so she was eliminated as a suspect... So if you'd like to swing by sometime feel free." She froze up and I was about to ask why but I didn't, instead I pretended I didn't notice. I turned and walked inside.

I walked inside running my hands through my hair, I wanted to know what she would have said, but my dad was starting to be right, I don't know what love is! I was blowing it with America, and I need to learn how to be loving, because apparently I don't know! I stink at this love game! I walked further into the palace, and just incase another rebel attack happens I placed a newer guard in the garden with her. I needed to make sure she was safe, I couldn't lose her again. If anything did happened to her again... I don't know what I'd do. I held back the tears stinging my eyes. 

 I kept walking deeper into the palace until I heard a voice, "Maxon over here!" It was Celeste, she gestured to the main room. I walked in and she was already writing down lists of information that she's learned,  she was so dedicated. I sat down in the chair next to her, "anything new?" I asked, she nodded, we were so close to finding out  who  here controlled the rebels. She sighed, as if she was debating telling me. "I think it was...Marlee, because well, all evidence points to her..." 

 I looked at her questionably, "Why do you think she would do that, Celia and America were her best friends, wouldn't it make more sense for someone like Elise to have done it she is connected with the south?" I asked, she debated it, "I thought that but then I realized, she wouldn't do it she was to easily blamable, and Marlee was the last person anyone could have thought of because she obviously pretended to like them!" I thought about this, I couldn't believe a sweet girl like Marlee would do that, but it made sense, Celeste was a smart girl, so she was probably right, I had to swing this idea by America first... Wait no I cant! She would try to protect Marlee instead of looking at the facts!

I looked back at Celeste she was resting her head on her hands, I could tell she was probably close friends with Marlee. I stood up, "You have worked so hard lately, thank you, you must really care about the safety of all the girls here. Thank you I appreciate it." I said, she smiled at me., "Thanks but I'm only trying to help." She said her smile grew wider when she looked at me. I couldn't help but smile back, she was one of the nicest girls here that I knew of, and father seemed to like her a lot. with Me being into photography and her being a model it kinda worked....

She hugged me goodbye and walked out of the room, I looked through camera footage and she was right, ever since America and Celia were kidnapped she went into somewhat seclusion. Maybe Celeste was right....Maybe it was Marlee.... I needed fresh air, I walked down the stairs, maybe America was still out there....

I walked out into the garden and I heard America before I saw her, "No, please, just get away." She said, what was going on? I quickened my pace... Another voice came in to my field of hearing, "America please just listen..." the voice said then her voice chimed in, "Aspen no! Please just leave me alone I don't want to talk to you right now..." My eyes widened and I froze, Aspen!? "Fine!" he said then I heard him shuffle inside, I turned the corner, and saw her she laid down her crutches and slowly slid down to the ground.

I walked over to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder, she jumped a little, "you okay?" I asked trying to keep the confidence in my voice. She looked up at me with those big sad eyes, and nodded even if she wasn't, she was trying to protect him. But why? Why did she care about him? I didn't know she still cared about him, can I tell her I know who he is now? I decided to wait it out she seemed under pressure right now, and I couldn't blame her, she had been through so much and was trying to be brave...

I kept my hand on her shoulder and I hoped she would open up to me, but then she said something I never expected... "Maxon?" I knelt down next to her, and I looked straight into her eyes, she looked up to make eye contact with me and she starred dead in my eyes, hers were sad and weak, she was depressed and hiding something I could tell, then she said it, "Maxon, I want to go home." 


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