Chapter 18 (Americas POV)

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Heyy sry it took so long to update, I have been busy, hope you enjoy.

Chapter 18
(Americas POV)

I raced over to Celia, who was cupping her hands over her ears, "Run!" I screamed, she probably couldn't hear me over the alarm but she nodded and got the point, we took off in the direction my bracelet lead us light blue dirty sundress limiting my movements. We stumbled a little, why does this always happen to me!

We ran and continued to stumble we couldn't run in heels very well, and we couldn't take them off cause them they'd know for sure we went in this direction, we were stuck in them, Celia sighed and whispered, ". damn heels." Under her breathe. I couldn't help but smile she was right, now I had another reason to hate heels, they make your epic escape scene slower. The sound if rebels screaming in the background destructed me from my mental list of why to hate high heels.

I ran as fast as I could my breathe still trying to catch up with me. Celias too she was gasping as she ran. The rebels voices droned out the further we got from the rebels base, then a thought crossed my mind, Where were the search parties? Did Maxon even care!? Did he jut lie to me the whole time! Or did he... no he wouldn't... would he? Would he have let the rebels through the gate?

My running slowed and I came to a stop, Celia skidded to a stop roughly 10 feet in front of me, "America! Come on hurry!!" I was snapped out of my trance I ran again and kept stumbling in, as Celia would put it, Damn Heels! We raced along the edge of the forest and kept our eyes on the prize, freedom. When we got back someone was gonna get it.

We continually ran for about another 30 minutes before going into a slower jog. We needed to catch out breath and keep our distance from the rebels. I had to take a risk, "Hey Celia, we should rest. Just for the rest of the night. It would help, you know, for tommorow?" I proposed the idea, she nodded, "Its like there's mind powers being used here because that was just what I was thinking!" She said as she leaned her body against the nearest tree, just like Aspen use to.... OH MY GOD! Aspen I didn't tell her!! She doesn't know he was picked as a soldier! How do I break that to her?

I shuffled my weight uncomfortably, she looked at me confused, "what's wrong dont you want to lay down, wait did you want to sit here? I can move..." I put my hand up to say it was fine and she didn't have to, but she moved over anyway and patted the spot on the ground where she was to gesture me to sit down. I had to sit there to make things look well... Not suspicious I did and I gave her a fake smile to reassure her that everything was okay, no reasons to panic, her brow furrowed a little, "America is something wrong? Your acting like your hiding something..." Shit... she knows, I was awful at hiding emotions, I was an open book...

Ugh! Curse my open book-yness!!!!!I let out a sigh, "I forgot to tell you... Its about Aspen... He well, got picked to be a soldier, kinda..." She looked shock, "What do you mean... Kinda?" She asked. I shrugged a little, "He kinda works for the palace now, as a palace guard... No biggy right?!" She looked horrified, "Is he hurt? Is he okay!" She pause and leaned in closer to me and whispered in a hushed yet very serious voice, "Is he dead?" My eyes grew large at the word dead. How could I be sure that the bitch was alive, I needed to slowly nod my head to reassure her again.

She let out a sigh of relief placing a hand over her chest to slow her heart beat. I needed to change the topic before more questions came my way. "Soo..." I said, "Are your heels killing you like mine are? God! I have blisters everywhere and-" she cut me off, "shhh.... did you here that?" I slowly quieted down and listened in the distance I heard the droning sound of a trucks engine. The rebels.

I squished my body tighter against the trees base. I prayed no one would see me as the rebels drew closer I could begin to hear their conversation. A voice came through what sounded like a wallow talkie, "YOU LET THEM GET AWAY! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY WILL DO TO ME!!! I WILL BE KILLED!!! BECAUSE OF YOUR FOOLISHNESS! I SHOULD HAVE NEVER LET YOU BASTARDS INTO THE PLAN." A women's voice screamed into it, I sucked in my breathe.

Praying my light blue sundress wouldn't be visible at night. I knew that voice from anywhere it was one that was all to familiar, the rebels answered back, "Sorry Celeste,but we set up the system and everything just like you said! You said they were dumber than rocks but they escaped! So we will get them back don't worry." I held in my breathe I wonder what else she said about us... I saw the truck drive slowly by and a flashlight slowly graze over the grass right next to me, then the light landed on me and stayed there.

Hahahahahahaha cliff hanger!!!!! please recommend a POV thanks love you guys!!!!

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