Chapter 22 (Americas POV)

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Ok so... I really don't have any ideas for an intro right now so let's just start...

Chapter 22

(Americas POV)

I was still in shock due to the evil blood sucking Celeste, I swear she was a devil! I could finally somewhat maneuver crutches, key word being somewhat. I stumbled a little on them, I got out of the room after a long battle and struggle with the nurse, finally I convinced her I was fine, even though I hadn't a clue if I was or not...

I used the crutches down two of the halls to the point where it was hurting my armpits, I leaned up against the wall, already out of breathe and please don't get all judgy because to be fair they were long hallways.I sat back up and got on the crutches again, cause lets face it, I cant walk without them. I continued to stroll down the halls wincing in painon occasion, when I reached Celia's room, Finally, I let out a sigh and knocked on the door, "Hey Celia it's me America... I want to talk with you." the door slowly slid open and the least likely person to be there stood before me.

"Aspen?!" I asked a little confused and irritated, "Mer! Hey I missed you!" He said, then he looked confused, "Why are you on crutches?You just got shot... So why crutches?" I let out an irritated sigh and nearly slapped him but I didn't, "Aspen not now, where's Celia?"His face flushed, "Aspen? Wheres Celia?!" I asked getting a little worried, he sighed, "She kicked herself from the competition..." I froze up, "What?"  I asked making sure I heard him right. He repeated himself, "She eliminated herself, and Maxon let her go, like he hated her." He said, and I felt I needed to defend Maxon, "Don't try to make Maxon the bad guy here!" I yelled then turned to go down the hall a speedy exit wasn't something you can do on crutches.

He grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back, I tried to resist but fell on my butt. He pulled me back to my feet, I did my best to avoid eye contact. "America, look me in the eyes, please." His voice sounded sad so I looked to see his face, "America, what happened to us." I felt rage build inside as the memory surfaced. "Us.... Hm... If I recall, us stopped being us then dropped dead in a hole." He looked enraged he set me down, not so gently I might add. I tried my best to hurry down the rest of the hall, why would Celia want to leave? I needed to get some fresh air I headed out to the gardens. When I waked outside the light blinded me, I hadn't been in the sun for some time, as my vision came back slowly and my eyes adjusted back to normal.

I headed out further into the garden to the bench where Maxon and I met and to my surprise Maxon was out there, sitting on our bench looking down at the ground. I stared to turn around so he didn't have to see me on crutches but just hen my crutches made a squeaking sound, It made Maxon look up. He saw me, " America?"He asked, I spun around, "Hey Maxon, I'd curtsy but..." I gestured to the crutches he laughed. I gave a small smile.

He stood up and I could see his face, he looked awful, it looked like he hadn't eaten or slept in days. I wonder if he has... He ran his hand through his perfect hone hair. I sucked in my breathe it was really awkward all of a sudden... "So... I heard Celia asked to leave... Did she ever say why?" I asked, he sighed, "Yes she did, she also told me how brave you were... With everything, you were supportive, intelligent and, just incredible." I laughed, "No, I just hated those guys and my stubbornness came off like that." He laughed, "Sounds believable, " He said,  realized what he meant, "Hey!" I said playfully hitting his arm. he grinned wider.

He shook his head, "it amazes me, how much an experience like that doesn't change you at all,i I find it absolutely incredible." I felt myself blush. "So now can you tell me why Celia left?" I asked hopefully. He nodded, "She felt like she was to much trouble, and it's my choice to let people go or not and I don't want people here against their will so I let her, she told me to give this to you..." he said then handed me a letter. I bowed my head to thank him. I took the letter and stuffed it in my pocket. I looked back up at him and he looked like he wanted to tell me something, "What ?" I asked, he looked surprised, "What?" He asked repeating what I said. "Oh... It looked like you wanted to tell me something..." I said

, he shrugged as if to say why no I will tell her, then he said, "It was just something Celia said to me before... She left. She said that she thought no one was more fitting for the crown than you. And..." He hesitated, "And... I repeated what he said, and he continued talking, "I thought so too..." He said then made eye contact with me. I felt myself melt at his gaze.

I smiled I wasn't sure what to say, he was so sweet but I wasn't sure I wanted to be princess, it was the only doubt in my mind. I wanted to say I felt the same but I wasn't sure I did or not. I held in a breathe and I didn't want to hurt him I anyway, He spoke before I could get a word out, "I have to go inside, we are still trying to find out who let the rebels in, Celeste has been helping a lot, we need others help too, maybe you could swing by, because you were captured you were eliminated as a suspect and when you were gone, they came after celeste so she was eliminated as a suspect... So if you'd like to swing by sometime feel free." He said then turned and walked inside. I had tensed and frozen... Celeste! Was all I could think, and the other thing I had to think was, she was going down with a bang!

Okay so... I got to thinking and I thought it might be cool if I made bonus chapters from Celias POV from the night she got captured, and also from Aspen's at the part when he had to watch America kiss up to Maxon, and Some bonus Maxon chapters so vote yes if you like the idea and vote no if you don't in the comments below! And Please please recommend a POV!!!!!

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