Chapter 11 (Americas POV)

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Okay so I just really wanted to update soon so I went ahead and wrote this! Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 11

(Americas POV)

I sat in the hallway rubbing Celia's shoulders. Marlee stood in front of her and ran her fingers through Celia' hair. "shhhhh..." Marlee said as Celia let out a whimper, "It's okay Celia, if he has to let you go it's his loss. He'd be lucky to have you." I continued to rub Celia's shoulders. Celeste had run off when Maxon left. Classic Celeste.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of her. I hated her stinkin guts. my mind wandered to Celeste, her cold dead eyes, dark hair, so much makeup it makes her look like a frickin circus clown. I felt my hands form into a fist. Then a sound of footsteps broke my concentration. I looked up and saw Maxon, he looked a little worried... Oh no... he looked at me, "Lady America, I wish to speak with you." he said try to sound formal, he was so godforsaken good at it too!

I sighed and slowly got up being sure to keep good eyes contact with him. But it was hard to knowing that Celia was behind me starring at me wondering what will happen next. He lead me to the gardens, he knew it was my one happy place. he turned to face me. "I need you right now to just hear me out okay? As a friend." I grunted, "Fine." I said trying to sound disapproving but instead sounding a bit stuck up. He let out a sigh of relief, I couldn't help but grin. Was he scared of me or something?

He look up to meet my eyes, His were so understanding and mine were so cold. He spoke again, "I tried to see if Celia could stay... I check with my mom and..." He held out the word and, I filled in the silence, "and what?" he cleared his throat, "and she can't. Im so so sorry. I would bend the rules if I could." he let his head hang. I sunk to my knees. "what." I whimpered out.

Then tears spilled over my eyes. They came out like rivers down my cheeks. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I shook it off, Maxon was trying to comfort me, and I didn't want to be comforted. I stood up and wiped away my tears, my sadness quickly fired into uncontrollable rage, I slapped Maxon. I looked him dead in the eye, "If she goes I go to. There has to be something in the rules about hitting you isn't there?" I asked, my words spitting out like fire.

He looked at me still in shock that I hit him, but he straightened himself again so he was taller than me I sunk down a little. He smiled, "America, sorry to tell you but no theres not. Theres nothing in there about hurting the prince." I smiled back. "Good." I said cheerfully he looked at me confused, I slapped him again except this time a lot harder. Then I spun around and stormed back into the castle. "America wait!" Maxon screamed but I was already through the doors. I was going to find Celeste and hit her so hard...Oh she'll never see it coming. I was walking down the hall. Wait no let me rephrase that, I was storming down the hall scowering for celeste I was ready to taste blood.

sorry for the short chapter I was in a hurry I will try to make it longer next time! Thanks for reading! READ ON!!!!!!!!! And dont forget to reccomend a POV for next time thanks!

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