Chapter 17 (maxons POV)

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Okay thanks for reading! Even though I don't know you personally don't think I mean an less when I saw I love all of you! READ ON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 17

(Maxons POV)

I paced in my room. It's been two days since America and Celia disappeared, once one of the newer guards had run into the room claiming someone had kidnapped her I felt as if my heart was ripped into two.I had sent out double the search parties, we needed to find her, and fast. If anything happened to any girl here I'd never forgive myself... But if anything happened to America, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Until they were found I chose to postpone the selection, I didn't have my helper to help me decide who is best to keep and lose. Losing America was like losing my other half I had just found. My pacing quickened.

What if she was gone forever and I didn't know, I couldn't save her. She trusted me. And according to the guard she put up a fight. That's my girl. She fought, and when they got her so she couldn't anymore... she put all of her last hopes and faith and trust in me... I cant sleep or eat...I've been to worried, please please I prayed, be okay.

I feel that its bad that i'm only thinking of America, and not Celia. But can you blame me. Once I saw America I felt like I knew her all my life... and now she's gone... I cursed again under my breathe. Then came a knock at my door, I walked over to answer it. My mom stood outside of it her eyes grew large when she saw me, "My baby! Maxon you haven't eaten in days your starving yourself! You need to eat something and you look exhausted have you slept?" I shook my head, "No mom! that's just it! I cant!" I exclaimed throwing my hands into the air. She frowned a little, "Why? Is it because of Celia and America?"She asked, I sighed, "Yes and no... I feel a little guilty, "

She looked confused, "Why?" she asked, I hung my head, "I can only think of America... I really thought she was the one mom." She smiled a little, "Sweetie, I met her once and I know not even the smartest rebels can keep her locked up, she will be fine, and if Celia's with her she will be safe too." I couldn't help but smile, she was right. Americas stubbornness was something the rebels have NEVER faced before.

Celia was in good hands as well. They were both safe, I needed to know and remember that... I let out a sigh, then there was another knock at my door my mom got up and kissed my cheek before she left. When she left I got a good look at who stood at the door, and was tempted to slam it shut. Celeste smiled gingerly at me. I had to smile back it was the gentleman thing to do. She put on a fake pity act...or at least I think it might be fake?

"Im sorry..." Was all she said, "for what?" I asked, "The whole kidnapping... I wish there ws something I could have done to help." She looked down at the floor, "You couldn't have done anything!!" I exclaimed. She looked a little upset, "sorry for yelling I've just been stressed lately... I think I just need to be alone." She smiled, "No one should be alone." She said stepping into my room, I rubbed my temples. "I really need to be alone Celeste, please."

She frowned a little, "Okay, but please remember im here for you." She said placing a hand on my triceps. I pulled away, I was not that vulnerable right now.I turned around and I heard Celeste leave and I trudged to my bed, even knowing it would be another sleepless night, I had to at least try... For America's sake.

okay so you guys know the just of it, please recommend a POV and comment, love, react!!!!

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