My mother came around the corner out of the kitchen towards us, she had a wide smile on her face as she looked at me.

Her eyes slowly traveled to Emma, then to Emma's cane and back to Emma's face. Her smile fell quickly before coming back forced.

I put my arm around Emma's waist pulling her closer to me.

My mom stopped about a foot away from us. The three of us stood silently, my mother staring at me as if she had a thousand questions.

"You must be Ms.Fisher, I'm Emma. Emma Baker, it's a pleasure to meet you." Emma said kindly in my mother's direction.

My mom looked at me for another moment before smiling widely at Emma.

"It's so great to meet you, you can just call me Sandra." My mom said happily.

"Daniel has told me so much about you." My mom lied as she glanced over at me.

She may be smiling, but I can see it in her eyes she wants to kill me.

"All good things I hope," Emma said laughing nervously. "Of course." My mom answered as she looked back to Emma.

"Dinner is almost ready. Daniel, why don't you give Emma a tour of the house?" My mom said cheerfully.

I knew that tone too well to try and challenge her.

"Sure," I said trying to faking a convincing smile.

I quickly took Emma's hand and began leading her upstairs.

I'm so screwed.

"That went well, right?" Emma said me as we reached the top of the stairs.

I didn't answer as I lead her to my room.

Luckily, I had had the sense to clean the floor of my room before picking her up.

"This is my room," I said closing the door behind us.

Emma let go of my hand as she took a step towards my bed. Her cane was held tightly in her hand.

She tapped her way to my bed before sitting down on it.

She played with the blanket on my bed.

"What color are your sheets?" She asked after a moment.

"Blue," I said as I tried to figure her out.

"Describe blue to me?" She asked me softly and she turned towards me. Her fingers still tracing the stitching of my bed sheet.

Describe blue?

How do I do that? It's just blue.

Then again, I guess she's never seen blue. Or has she? We never talked about her blindness, not directly like that.

How's she go blind? Was she born like that? Or could she see before?

"Blue is..." I said trying to gather my thoughts.

What is blue?

"Blue is the wind's blow, it's cool. Blue is the taste of raspberries on a sunny day. Blue is the sky and the sea. Blue is smart and trust. Blue is blue." I said embarrassed by my rambling.

She smiled at me.

Her single smile warmed my heart.

"Blue sounds nice." She said finally.

"It's is, but sometimes blue is sad. Blue is lonely. Blue is emptiness." I said looking away from her.

When I looked back to her she was frowning.

The Stoner & The Blind GirlWhere stories live. Discover now