Quotes For Feels- Atlantis

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So in my phone notes, I had a thing I was going to post but got side tracked. I found sad quotes and applied them to characters. Honestly, I wasn't sure what to call this because in my notes it just said "Thingy for feels" so here you go.

Interpret them how you wish but my thoughts are included.

A Hero Can Fall- Cody
Pretty straightforward

An Optimist Can Loose Hope- CannibalCrab
For a villain, he's pretty hopeful. Most of the time at least

The Light Can Become Dark- Joe
How it goes dark can be many things. However, the one that comes to mind is, well... Death
Or to turn to the dark side. Die a hero or live long enough to be a villain I guess.

The Innocent Can Become Guilty- Selena
I most thought about her stealing for this one, but how you think of it is up to you

The Powerful Can Become Powerless- KrakenKid
Thinking of the big battle between Cody and KrakenKid and how he almost died for this one

A Child Can Become A Victim- Baby Blooper
Same as his father but how he was caught in battle at that time

A Hunter Can Be Hunted- Captain Deadlock
From what I know, he's a bounty hunter so, it fits

The Brave Can Be Terrified- Sam
Sam seems tough, but it's hard to maintain that

The Caring Can Be Unkind- Tanith
If given the choice of letting a friend die and killing the bad guy, she'll choose killing every time

A Genius Can Loose Their Mind- Professor Pikalus
He certainly is smart, but the Hulk is an unstable force.

Now that I've put a very sad note on that, let's flip it shall we?

What Falls Can Rise Again!
If what goes up must come down, the reverse can be true as well. One must have the DETERMINATION to rise again.

One Who Loses Hope Can Gain It Again
Never loose hope. If it ever feels too dark, just turn on the light. If there is no light, start a fire. Make your own light

Even The Darkest Can See The Light Again
It's never too late to turn back, no matter what you think

The Guilty Can Be Redeemed
All it takes is the wish to do so. Whether the Guilty wants to be redeemed, or someone wants to help them

The Powerless Can Be Helped And Gain Power Again
Sometimes all someone needs is a helping hand. What doesn't kill you truly makes you stronger

A Victim Can Become A Hero
Because some have felt pain, they want no one else to feel it so they become heroes. Heroes don't just fight crime either, they come in all sorts of forms.

The Hunted Can Be Free
You don't have to fear forever. Don't let anything hold you back from being happy.

The Terrified Are Still Brave
Even if you are scared, you can be Brave. Brave isn't having no fear. It's being afraid but acting anyways.

The Uncaring Still Care
It doesn't matter what they put on the outside. Deep inside, they care about every little thing, even if they make it seem like they don't. Let yourself feel, don't be afraid to care, it's what makes you human!

Even The Most Lost Can Be Saved
It doesn't matter how lost your mind is, because you can be saved. You just have to let yourself be saved. Even if the toughest of times, you can be saved.
I didn't realize I took that turn but it happened! There's some inspirational quotes right there! Some are ones you've heard, some maybe not and others are ones I made up.

I figured sometimes it's good to have a pick-me-up so I added in the second half.

I could honestly make a really interesting fanfic out of most of this...

I hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to comment your thoughts! Farewell!


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