Chapter 11: Bad Idea

Start from the beginning

I swallowed, about to ask Mercedes for the truth, when she abruptly turned to me.

"We're going to a party this weekend," she announced, nodding.

I looked at her, taken aback. "What?"

"Party. Terrance brothers' house. This Saturday at seven pm. Do it for the project," she continued, seemingly not caring on how she sprang this onto me.

"I don't think that's a good idea," I said slowly, wanting so badly to tell her how the project wasn't even legitimate since someone had already messed things up in it.

"It's a great idea," she grinned. "Trust me."

I'm not so sure I can Mercedes, I thought, beginning to feel a small sense of doubt.

"Hey, listen," I started, leaning towards her a bit. "You know, I heard that-"

"Do you know if that other worksheet is due today?" Mercedes asked, interrupting me as she sifted through her binder.

"Uh, hello," I scoffed. "I was trying to talk to you?"

"You were? Oh, sorry," she said, continuing to look through her binder.

"If you're looking for the worksheet, then how would it be at the back of your binder?" I questioned, inwardly letting out an exasperated sigh. Maybe later I would ask, since she clearly knew what I was going to say anyway.

"I told you, my mind has been terrible since Tyshaeisha. She's been waking up during the middle of the night more than once. I swear, it's like Ms. Hank wants us to be sleep deprived," Mercedes complained, sifting through more papers.

I studied her, curious yet hurt at the same time. Why doesn't Mercedes trust me?

I shook my head slightly, my gaze shifting to her desk where two papers sat, peeking out from underneath her binder.

"Mercedes," I prompted. "Check under your binder."

"Huh?" she asked, giving me a look before doing so. She pulled out the papers, and from the titles, they were from yesterday.

"Oh," she shrugged. "Must've slipped my mind."

"Nothing slips your mind." I said, beginning to become annoyed.

"I told you," she insisted, running a hand through her hair. "It's Tyshaeisha's fault."

"Quit blaming everything on that stupid, fake baby. At least it's not a real one," I huffed, focusing on the board as Ms. Tassle was getting ready to start class.

I felt Mercedes stiffen beside me, and from the corner of my eye, I noticed her hand shaking slightly, as if she was trying to keep herself together. I averted my eyes, just so I wouldn't have to look at her, and ended up locking gazes with Antoni.

I felt my eyes grow wide, and saw the edges of a smirk playing on his lips. Instantly, I was back on my doorstep, where he kissed me that Friday afternoon.

I kissed him back. Oh my god.

I felt my cheeks heat up as Antoni and I continued to watch each other. That is, until Ms. Tassle called me.

"Valerie? Could you come up here and solve this problem?" She asked, making me tear my gaze away from him and focus on her.

"Um," I stammered. "What?"

A few of the class snickered, but Ms. Tassle silenced them with a glare.

"Find the angles," she said, extending out the marker.

"Yes ma'am," I mumbled, feeling embarrassed as I walked up front.

I needed to stop thinking about Antoni. It was probably nothing...


On the way to lunch, Mercedes barely talked. She had given the baby carriage to Tyler second period, which I had to forcefully get an answer for. I just didn't know what to say, since all I could think about was what she was hiding and if the rumors were partially true. However, just when I almost asked, someone hurriedly ran up to us.

"Mercedes!" they hissed, and I looked to see a girl, who seemed to be a senior, with a panicked look on her face.

"What's up, April?" Mercedes asked, acting if I wasn't next to them.

"D-do you," April sighed then whispered. "Do you have a pad, or a tampon at least? I totally forgot that I could've, you know, started."

Mercedes nodded. "I got you fam. I haven't had mine in a while, and I always keep some spares just in case."

April breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much! You saved me today, Ditty."

I, on the other hand, replayed what Mercedes had just said. She hadn't had her monthly in a while... so how long was 'a while' to her?

"Hey, Val," she said, finally acknowledging me. "I'll be right back. Could you go save us a seat?"

I nodded, hiding my suspicion. "Uh-yeah, sure."

Mercedes flashed me a smile while her and April left to the bathroom. I headed to the cafeteria, hoping what I was thinking wasn't true.

Entering the cafeteria, I headed to the closest table available. I set down my bag, placing it in the chair to save a seat. I sat in the neighboring chair, drumming my fingers on the table. I sighed exasperatedly, wondering what was taking her so long.

"You look bored," someone said, and I whipped around instantly, where Antoni stood behind me.

I felt my heart skip as I stared at him. "Huh?"

He gave me a small grin. "I said you looked bored. Where's your other half at?"

I glanced at the seat next to me. "That doesn't really concern you. Why are you here anyway?"

"I have lunch this period," he said, taking a step closer to me. "I can do whatever I want."

"Yeah, well go do whatever, or should I say whoever, you want somewhere else," I retorted.

Antoni let out a small chuckle. "I just wanted to ask you something personally. The Terrance brothers party is Saturday, at seven. Whole school knows. You should come."

He walked off to his buddies who sat three tables away before I could ever muster up a response. They greeted him with their handshakes and bro hugs then proceeded to point out asses.

I stared in their direction, only tearing my gaze away when I heard Mercedes roughly move my bag onto the floor.

"How kind," I said flatly.

"Yeah," she shot back, glaring at the floor.

"What's your problem?" I snapped, my annoyance flaring.

"It's nothing, I'm fine," She said darkly, standing back up. "I'm going to get food. You coming?"

I sighed, standing up and following her to the lunch line.

"Hey," I said, an idea striking me.

"Huh?" she asked roughly, barely giving me a glance.

"Let's go to a party this Saturday."

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