6. Extra Wine

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//Song Reco: Next Year RAC Remix - Two Door Cinema\\

Well, as promised, I'm sitting here with my entire family and Jimin beside me.

"How long are we staying?" Jimin whispered in my ear with an angered tone. I rolled my eyes and said, "Just 1 more hour. Please stop complaining, I want to have a good time..."

I pouted slightly and I think he realized. While my family was laughing, he held my hand softly and as I looked to him with my heart beating fast.... he was smiling... genuinely.

"Let's PARTY!!!!!" My uncle yelled out before pouring a shot and yelling cheers.

All my cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents and nieces were there.... and now... my husband too.

We had an amazing time. Jimin playing around with my baby cousins and having a few drinks with my parents.

I laughed so hard and almost peed myself when Jimin was being attacked by the many children and the large dog.

I saw him swing them around and have a good time,

I smiled warmly while leaning my body to the door frame. My sister coming towards me with an extra wine glass.

"You got yourself a nice one sis... I'm proud." I smiled with tears in my eyes as I saw my sister holding her little new born daughter.

"Sis..." I whispered, "Yeah?"

"I love him so much."


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