Head out

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The wind battled against us, as if not wanting us to reach the castle.

The wind wasnt there before so why now?

Voices whipped through the wind, but i couldnt understand them.

Akio was carrying soka, and ren and i were holding hands, keeping eachother on the ground and leaning forward to cut through the bitter cold and harsh air.

"Ren! we have to get to shelter!"

My voice was lost, but luckily everyone heard it.

Akio nodded in agreement and we quickly found a small cave amongst the rocky terrain.

Soka sat shivering in Akio's arms.

Akio he's only seven... yet i wonder if you've fallen in love?

Said person looked up at me, giving me as soft smile as if hearing my thoughts. Bastard keep yo hands off my brother until he becomes legal.

I shook my head in slight amusement at out situation.

Im in a contract with a famous vampire traveling around to save a bunch of rouge kidnapped kids and had my little brother and Rens cousin tagging along also probably in love.

Way to go misaki.

Ren slid to my side and pulled me into his lap, wrapping his cloak around me like the night in the dungeons. I shuttered at the thought.

I didnt like those people that took us, and now someone knew my one vunrability.

But on the other hand, the way he made me...

I squirmed, now is definitly not the time to get hard!

I could feel ren about to say something, Then an angered scream pierced the air.

~i know its short! but ive been busy lately and there was not much i could do. I finish work tommorow and go back to school in a week, so dispair not! i will update!~

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