Sleep and Burdens

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We walked on for hours, neither of us complaining or stopping for breaks.

It was finally getting dark when we decided to call it a night, and I was comforted that I wouldn't be camping out alone.

Ren and I slipped of the dirt road and went a little way into the forest, far enough that people wouldn't see the fire, but close enough that we could easily get back to the road.

After we collected wood, we set up a fire in a small clearing we found. It was best to stay warm.

I leaned against a wide old tree, chewing on some bread, slightly dazed. I hope we make it to the next town tomorrow. Ren's going to need blood by then...

I shook of the stray thoughts and blushed, seeing Ren staring at me.

He was wrapped in his giant black cloak, leaning against another tree across from me.

He watched me intently and dark eyes flashed red.

I looked away, into the dancing red flames.

"I'm looking for a group of kids that went missing almost three weeks ago."

I leaned my head back on the tree, looking into the leaves above.

"I got blamed for their disappearance even though I had nothing to do with it. I was set up.

No one would listen to me, so now, I've been forced out to find where those brats went."

I almost tasted the bitterness in my words and shivered.

It's getting cold.

I brought my green cloak tight around myself, unfocused gaze trained on the fire. What do i do now?

Ren stood, and quietly walked over, sitting beside me and pulling me into his lap.

I went bright red and was about to tell him to go away.

But sitting in his lap bridal style, curled into his chest, he wrapped his cloak around both of us.

Instantly it was warm.

My eyes drooped and he held me tight, resting his chin on the top of my head lightly.

"Sleep young master, I will watch out for you. Stay warm."

I let out the breath I had been holding and drifted off to sleep faster than I had thought possible.

*Ren's POV*

Misaki's breathing evened out as he gave in to sleep.

So that was his burden, the missing kids.

That was the cause of the sadness, pain and loss I had seen surrounding him ever since I first laid eyes on him.

He was suffering and it hurt me to know that, not through the contract, it hurt my heart.

He suffered alone, without anyone to hold him, not even his parents, who I knew died long ago.

The Shatter line was a cursed family, never making friends, death taking the parents before they got to fully raise their children.

Yet Misaki bore his pain, it's all he has known his whole life, to be hated and outcast.

I wouldn't let it happen, over my undead body.

I looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms and my heart sped up, he's the cause of it.

Is a contracted vampire really allowed to fall in love?

~short, I know, but I'm just doing mini updates right now, cuz its ma birthday!!! I love you all and thanks for your support! Don't forget to comment, vote and subscribe!~

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