Chapter 45: Thrill Seeker

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I walked past him, towards his desk, in an effort to get away from the tension building between us. He followed me and grabbed my arm, spinning me around to face him.

"Let go of me Ryan—"

I tried to jerk free, but my arm wasn't budging.

"No, see, you like when a man takes charge because Colin let's you get what you want. You like the drama playing out in our lives because you're a celebrity. You LIKE the fact that I don't wake up every morning and profess my undying love for you.  YOU LIKE the fact that even though I don't say it, you'll always know it's how I feel... and when I do say it," he smirked, grabbing my waist and walking me backwards until I hit the desk behind, "that's when it really gets you going..."

His weight was heavy on my body as he pressed into me.

"You know I love you. I'm just trying to treat you right—"

"I can't have feelings for you Ryan..."

I moved his hands and turned my head, looking away from him as he leaned in closer.

"But do you?" He asked seductively, speaking softly into my ear and kissing my neck.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair, "This can't happen anymore..."

"I think it can..." he said passionately, placing his hand on my upper thigh, "and I think it can happen right here on this desk"

He forced his lips onto mine, and thrusted into me.

"Ryan... stop"

"No... I want you"

"RYAN," I gasped, pushing him away, "Stop it!"

"I CAN'T STOP SAVANNAH!" he shouted, "CAN YOU?"

"What are you talking about!?"

"You know the thought of me sends chills down your spine, and you can't handle the fact that In the back of your mind, part of you knows that baby could be mine," he forced a smile, and spoke through gritted teeth, "and the worst thing of all is that you would never tell me if it was because you know I would be a good father, and I would do anything for my children... no matter who the mother is"

He unbuttoned his shirt and repeated his question, "so tell me, can you really stop?"

He placed my hand on his waist and gently moved his hand down the front of my chest.

"Now..." he said, playing with a button on my shirt, "be a good girl and take off your—"

The classroom door swung open, and the end of lunch bell rang.

"Sorry, the lines were so long I —"

"Reece hey," Ryan waved, walking over the grab the food from Reece, buckling his belt, and fixing his messed up hair in the process.

He grabbed the food from Reece's hands and exchanged dirty looks with us both.

"What's wrong? You know, you're gonna—"

Reece swung at Ryan and hit him clean across the nose, causing him to drop the bag and double over in pain.


"SHUT UP," he demanded, "YOU DON'T GET TO SPEAK"

"Thank you Reece—"


The room silenced as Ryan held his head back to stop his nose from bleeding, and we let Reece speak.

"I'm ashamed of you Savannah—"

"Me? Why not Ryan?!?"

"I punched him didn't I? I really expected more from you... This is what he does! I've accepted that because I know I can't change the way he is, but you're carrying his brother's child for god sakes! I know you're better than this!"

"Nothing happened!"

"It's your word against his..." Reece claimed, "Ryan, what happened here?"

"It definitely went down—"



The class started piling in during the middle of our argument and we decided to save it for a later time. Reece and I took our seats and waited for everyone else to do the same. When Hannah sat down, Ryan walked over and whispered something in her ear.

"After school?" She whispered.

"Definitely," Ryan smirked, looking over a me.

We then continued with class as usual until the bell rang. I tried to stay back and talk to him, but of course, since he was the 'cool teacher' he was always surrounded by a swarm of students, and I had no chance at getting through to him.

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