Make a Wish Charlie

Start from the beginning

Ding dong!

"Hey guys!" Yuzu greet while pulling us into hugs

"Happy birthday Charlie-san" Yuzu says while I'm in his arms

I'm suddenly blinded by the light as I realize Javi took a photo of us hugging

"Oh...sorry I forgot to turn the flash off. Oops!"

I just roll my eyes at Javi's dorkiness and the three of us proceed into the house

"So Charlie-san, are you ready for your big day?" Yuzu asks

"Sure, as long as were not faced with another near death situation" I joke

"So today we have breakfast at Cora's and then we're off on a trip to Old Quebec City!" Javi announces

"Wait, are you kidding me? For real!" I shout as I jump around like a kid

"Totally, Charlie"

"But doesn't it take at least 10 hours to drive from here to Quebec?" I ask confused

"Plane tickets" Yuzu says simply, pulling out the tickets

"Then lets go!" I yell pointing my hand to the door and guiding the boys out

The three of us are sat at Cora's chowing down some good ol'bacon and eggs. Not a bad start to my twentieth birthday, I mean I get food so...

"So, Cup of China's coming up" Javi says, taking a sip of his coffee

"I know. I'm actually kind of nervous, we need to qualify for the Grand Prix Final. All of us" I say shoving a piece of toast in my mouth

"We can Charlie. After all we've been through, competition should be the easy part" Yuzu says from beside me

We continue to chow down our meals before it's time to leave for our day trip

"I'll pay guys" I say going to grab my wallet

"No,it's your birthday. I can handle it" Javi says grabbing his credit card

"I got it!" Yuzu announces while shoving a pile of $20's on the table

"Let's go!"he says and drags the two of us out to the car

"Airport?" I ask excitedly

"We're on our way to Quebec City!" Javi shouts hoping into the drivers seat

And away we went

"You know, I really don't like the airport" Javi says while the three of us are cramped in the waiting area

Tons and tons of families are crammed into the airport and it was chaos trying the find enough seats for all of us. We did find 2 available seats though, and since I'm the tiny one I got to sit on someone's lap. Of course Javi being Javi, I had to sit on Yuzu's lap

"Charlie-san, Happy birthday" Yuzu whispers to me

"Thank you Yuzu" I whisper back

"All passengers for Quebec City at 7:30 please line up at gate C"

"Let's get our French on!" Javi shouts jumping up from his seat

"We're in Canada you do realizes that right? French is our second language"  I say laughing at Javi a little

After battling through the crowd of people the boys and I were able to board the plane

We found our seats near the back where the three of us were able to get seats together

The order went me, Yuzu, Javi

Once the plane was boarded we went through all the safety procedures and away the plane went

Javi fell asleep after some time and I was watching a movie with Yuzu

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

"Oh is this the book you showed me?" Yuzu asks in Japanese

"Yeah, Harry Potter is my favorite series of all time. I know this sounds nerdy but I really want to buy a house and dedicate a room to all of my Harry Potter stuff. I want to recreate the Gryffindor Common Room" I tell him, laughing a bit at my own nerdiness

"I'd like to see that Charlie-san. I mean, I have a collection of Pooh bears so your Harry Potter Dream doesn't sound too crazy" he says

As I'm watching the movie, I feel Yuzuru's hand reach up to my own, placing his hand in mine

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now