Chapter 44: The Exam

Start from the beginning

"Why did everyone move?!" I whispered

"I guess they all wanna be closer to Ryan."

Ugh... everyone LOVED Ryan. I hated it because he was the EXACT opposite outside of school.

The bell rang and our teacher hadn't arrived yet.

Typical Ryan

I was hoping he got fired... We sat in class, chatting amongst ourselves, for a good ten minutes before we heard laughs coming from down the hall. A couple seconds later, Ryan entered the room, accompanied by our principal.

"Can I have your attention please? I have a announcement to make about your teacher Mr. O'Donoghue!"

Ryan smiled, so I knew he wasn't fired... I didn't see how there was any other option though. He was absolutely terrible.

"We have held conferences about who will be filling the permanent position as your new teacher!"

Murmurs spread throughout the classroom.

"It is my honor to announce that Mr. O'Donoghue has accepted the offer!"

Everyone began cheering and clapping, while I slumped down in my seat. Mr. Novak bro hugged Ryan and left with a smile on his face.

"See ya later big dog," Ryan grinned

How were people friends with him?

Ryan closed the door behind him and went to his desk to call roll.



He glared up at me.

"I really appreciated the text messages I woke up to this morning from you baby daddy..."

"You mean your brother?" I asked

Big mistake

"WAIT— SHE's the student?"

"Yup, BINGO Prescott, now shut up and never speak again..."

Reece filled me in on what had happened when I went to the front office to get my attendance fixed.

"So she's carrying your potential child?!"


"Wait what?!" I exclaimed, "it's definitely NOT yours..."

"You don't know that unless you get a DNA test–"

"I'm not getting a DNA test for a baby I know belongs to Colin! You're just jealous that I'm with your brother..."

"I'm really not actually... you're acting like a child"

"I'M acting like a child?!" I shot back.

Soft talking was snowballing into chaos and increasing quickly. Ryan was getting frustrated and frantically opened his desk drawer, looking for something to get attention with.

"OK SHUT UP," he ordered, banging the gavel on his desk, "EVERYONE SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTHS MY GOSH"

The ruckus slowly died down and Ryan continued.

"Ok, new plan! Seating charts..."

Everyone groaned and Ryan went to work on his computer. About five minutes later, we were re-situated...

"Savannah, front row next to Reece..." he looked up at me, "you're welcome..."

"Hannah, next to Savannah," he ordered, pointing at the seat to my right.

Hannah got up and slowly walked to her seat. He finished calling out the names and said that if we had any problems, we should go to Mr. Novak about it. The bell was about to ring for lunch, and he decided to wait and teach the material afterwards.

Hannah raised her hand...

"Mr. O'Donoghue," she began, "how did I do on my oral exam yesterday?"

Ryan's face turned crimson red.

"You definitely made a 100..."

"Wait, when did we have an oral exam?" Reece asked.

"Well I couldn't find any copies of the test you all took, so she told me the topic and I asked her some questions on it. That was the only reason it was an oral exam."

Something wasn't right... I was pretty sure Hannah had never made a 100 on anything she'd ever done in her life. Ryan finished getting everyone in place and the whole time he was glancing back and forth from Hannah.

"So, bell rings in one minute, have a great lunch everyone—"

"I guessed right though... right?"

"Yeah but now you have to figure out who the second one is"

The class silenced...

"You're joking right?"

Ryan opened his mouth to speak and his voice was muffled by the bell.

"Am I?"

One by one, everyone exited until it was just me and Reece alone with Ryan.

"Not going to lunch?"

"We usually never go to lunch... our old teacher used to leave us in here and we'd just chat until class started again"

"Oh... would you mind going to get us all lunch then Reece? I'll pay"

Reece shrugged and got up to leave the classroom, shutting the door as he left.

"And then there were two..." Ryan murmured

"You plan to insult me again?"

"Insult is a harsh word—"

"You were pretty harsh..."

I made a conscious effort to avoid all eye contact with him.

"Listen Savannah," he said, walking over towards me, "I'm not trying to—"

"Just cool it with the lies Ryan... tell me you didn't actually have sex with Hannah Shoeman..."

He attempted to hug me and I pushed him off, "I gave her an oral exam—"

"RYAN WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" I said, standing up and getting in his face, "Why the hell would you do that?! She's been smashed more times than the I in PIXAR—"

"Calm down! She did all the work, I just gave her the credit she deserved—"

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