Crazy Night

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Shawn Mendes sat at a booth in Linguini's pizzeria with Hailee. He hadn't really wanted to take the girl with him but the girl he had wanted to take said no. Camila Cabello.

He had a crush on her for years and when he was finally starting to make a move, she declined. Over the phone. He had cried that afternoon. A lot. He knew how much she liked the band, so he thought if he invited her, he could kiss her at the end of the concert, during their favourite song. Unfortunately, it wasn't meant to be.

"Shawn." Hailee's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" "Are you OK?" He nodded. "Alright." She sighed.  He felt bad because she was supposed to meet her boyfriend but he'd asked about the concert. He'd make it up to them.

"Where's Hilary?" A familiar panicked voice asked in the background. "Oh I let her go out." Another voice answered. "You let her go out. Where?" "To get a tattoo." "What?!" The voice yelled. He knew that voice. He loved that voice. It was Camila.

He looked around, searching for the face of the girl. He finally saw her. She had her hair in a high ponytail, she wore jeans, heeled boots, a plaid shirt, a sweatshirt and a coat on top. She looked very reserved. He preferred the days, when she let her hair loose, letting her hair run free and not caring how she looked. Those days only occurred in front of him.

He got up excusing himself for a moment and walked towards the group. "Camila?" He asked. She turned around. "Shawn?" She asked, eyes widening at him. "What's going on?" She shook her head. "Oh just some minor problems." "Minor?" He spoke amused. "OK Major. But nothing Lauren and I can't handle." She replied, motioning to Lauren.

She looked behind him and her eyes widened. "Hilary!" He turned around seeing a 12 year old girl, in a beanie, and dark make up and clothes. "Where have you been?" "Getting a tattoo! Do you like it?" She asked smiling, while showing her arm.

Camila gasped and stumbled back, almost tripping over the chair, but he caught her. "Thanks." She breathed. He smiled, bringing her up. "You better hope it washes off." The girl nodded, her mood looking more glum. Camila moaned. "That's it my future is over. No college. No job. No husband. I'm done. All because I can't look after two kids!" She ranted.

He grabbed her shoulders, "Mila. Calm down. Everything will work out." And you'll be mine. He thought in his head. She breathed. "OK. It will all be OK." She turned around, "Lauren? How are we gonna get $100?" "I don't know. But who's this guy?" She asked.

"Lauren. Shawn. Shawn. Lauren." Camila introduced them.

He looked at Lauren, she was a pretty brunette, but not as pretty as Camila. "Hey. How's it going?" Her eyes slightly wide and guilty looking. "Good." "Nice." He replayed her voice in his head and ran a hand through his short brunette hair. It was her. She spoke to me on the phone. That's why she looked guilty.

Then suddenly a massive crash, sounded and a loud yell directed at them was heard. "You kids! Give me that camera!" He called. "Gotta go!" Camila called, jumping up on her toes kissing his cheek quickly. He flushed red, watching her as she departed.

He walked back to the table slowly, holding his cheek, smiling. He sat back down and looked at a smirking Hailee. "What?"


He rolled his eyes, grinning widely.

Camila was tired out, after an exhausting evening of running away from two men, who wanted Lauren's camera, having to perform a rap and sneaking into a gala while avoiding the parents of the children they were supposed to be looking after, she couldn't go on.

"That's it. I've never been so tired in my life!" She proclaimed as she held onto Lauren's neck, having managed to convince the girl to give her a piggy back.

"You know Mila?" She looked down at Lauren, "You're not that bad." She smiled and spoke, "You too." As she rested head back on Lauren's shoulder. "No wonder Shawn asked you to that concert!"

Camila's head snapped up again. "Shawn asked me to what?" Lauren's eyes widened. "A concert." "When?" She screamed as she got off of Lauren's back. "When I had your phone." Camila screamed. "Great. So, the only guy I've ever liked now thinks I hate him because of you." She glared at the girl. "Thanks a lot." She hissed as tears fell down her face.

Lauren raised her hand out and called for a taxi, it pulled over and Lauren shoved Camila in before calling the kids over. "To the arena." She called. "What are you doing?" Camila asked. "Fixing things."

Shawn stood at the concert, waiting for it to be over. Hailee had left halfway through since her boyfriend came to get her and he currently stood all alone. Suddenly, Shawn felt a presence next to him, looking up at him. Growing annoyed, having had a terrible day, he turned to yell at the person, when he saw who it was.

Camila stood in front of him, she stared up at him and he stared back. She wore her jeans and plaid shirt, but the shirt was left open, tied at the end with a white t-shirt underneath and her hair hung loose. She looked beautiful.

Suddenly, she jolted forward but before she could fall, Shawn caught hold of her waist and held her body against his. "Hi." He grinned. Camila giggled, "Hi." Her smile drew back into a serious expression. "Listen, I know you probably don't want to hear this because you have Hailee-" "Hailee? She has a boyfriend, she left halfway through." His eyebrows furrowed.

Camila's eyes widened. "She has a boyfriend?" He nodded. She let out a squeal before launching herself into him. Her lips quickly attached to his. Shawn stood in shock for a moment, before Camila came to her senses and pulled away. "I'm so sorry. I know you don't like me lik-"

She didn't get to finish because Shawn had covered her lips with his own. He felt Camila smile and push her hands into his hair. Moments later, he pulled away, "Would you like to go on a date with me?" She nodded. "I would."

The last song begun to play until background and Shane lifted a hand to her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear. "This is my favourite song." She called out over the music. Shawn grinned. "I know." He leant down and slowly connected his lips to hers once more. A few moments later he pulled away, "I've always wanted to do that."

A/N: Based on Adventures in Babysitting. I deleted the book I had off because I was never updating and decided to make a small one-shot out of it.

Also if you still haven't please go and read 'His Influence' and vote and comment on that story as well as this please.

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