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Camila Cabello's friday night was not going to plan. She had originally planned on having a Disney marathon, watching the Lion King and Winnie the Pooh, while eating chocolate cupcakes and salted popcorn, on her bed in her Simba onesie, after a long day's work. Unfortunately for her, that was not how her evening panned out.

After she had returned home and prepared her quarters for the night, Camila lay in bed watching the opening scene of the Lion King, in her Simba onesie, singing along to 'The Circle of Life'. When the doorbell rang, she ignored at first, focusing on the movie. However, the ringing continued and soon the person at the door began knocking and pounding on the door.

Finally, she rose from her soft bed and stomped down the stairs, grumbling. When she finally reached the door, she noticed the shadow of the person was tall, quite scary looking. She slowly opened the door, but as soon as the person noticed a sliver of light, he shoved the door wide open before shutting it closed again, by smashing her into the door.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him, he was tall, brunette and young. He was rather handsome and if he hadn't just interrupted her Disney marathon, she would've been pleasant. But he had.

"Excuse me but what do you think you're doing, barging into my house at this time of night?" She exclaimed at the man. He snapped his head to her, glared and slapped a hand to her mouth.

"Could you shut up? I am not going back to prison again." He hissed at the girl. "And what makes you think that I'm not gonna call the police on you?"

He smirked leaning down towards her ear, placing a light kiss by her ear before whispering, "Because in one move, you'll be lying on the ground lifeless." She gulped.

"Who are you?" He looked at her as if she had two heads, "You don't know who I am?" She shook her head. "Well you're about to."

He took her hand, holding her tight to him. He brought her over to the TV where the TV was currently playing 'Hakuna Matata', before he switched channels over to the news.

"Hey I was watching that!" She whined. "Well you can watch it after this!" He replied as he pointed at the screen, running a story, where his face was plastered on the screen.

"Breaking news! A young man has been found dead in an alley. The alley he was found in, is known for gang trading, so it has been assumed that the prime suspect is local gangster Shawn Mendes."

She stared in shock. "Did you..." "Yes." He answered bluntly. She nodded in reply.

"Can I watch 'The Lion King' now?" She asked as she jumped back into the soft bed and snuggled in the covers. He looked at her amused.

"So. You just found out you let a criminal into your house and an extremely dangerous one and you want to watch 'The Lion King'?"

"Are you going to kill me?" "Are you going to tell the police?" She shook her head. "Then no. I won't kill you." She smiled. "Come and watch with me then."

He looked at her in utter confusion. "You know most people would be scared." "Well then, I guess you learnt something." He leaned closer. "What?" She moved closer, lips only millimetres away. "I'm not most people." And backed away into the bed again.

He looked at the girl in the bed, contemplating. The cops weren't going to come to her house, she didn't even know who he was until ten minutes ago. He might as well stay. He shrugged his leather jacket off and took off his boots before lying on top of the covers.

As they watched the movie, he felt her shivering next to her. "How are you cold? You're in a onesie." He looked over at her, to find that she was no longer in the onesie, nor in the warm covers. "Why'd you get out?"

"I was too hot." "And now?" "Too cold." He smiled, pulling her closer into his arms. "Better?" She nodded, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks, hoping he didn't notice. Unfortunately for her, he did.

As Elton John's 'Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" Played in the background, Shawn leaned in closer to the girl, he flipped them over, so that he was on top before he leaned towards her lips. "I hope you don't mind."

He connected their lips and intertwined their hands. She soon kissed back, trying to release his grip on her hands, but to no avail. Eventually, he loosened his hold and Camila's hand immediately entered his hair, tugging and pulling, causing a groan to escape his mouth. "Mila."

He moved his hands to her hips, holding on tightly, as if he could never let go. She brought one hand out of his hair, to stroke his cheek lightly, while keeping a firm hold on his face. "Shawn." She sighed.

Eventually, he pulled away and he looked down at the girl, staring up at him in a daze. Her brunette hair was long and slightly messy, although he was sure his stuck out in every direction, her face was beautiful. He felt himself falling for her quickly. And he'd only known her, half an hour or so.

Shawn kissed her lips again lightly, before trailing his kisses down her neck, sucking and biting, claiming her as his own. Which she gave no denial to.

She grew sleepy, yawns escaping her mouth, as she held onto him tightly, afraid to let go.

He moved the covers, allowing her to sleep under their warmth as he moved to go sleep in the living room. She caught his hand and whispered, "Stay."

He nodded, getting under the covers and wrapping his arms around her. He leaned in and kissed her forehead lightly, before he too, fell asleep.

A/N: Disclaimer - I do not own Disney, the films, or songs I mentioned. Unfortunately.

This is a lighthearted imagine, after seeing on tumblr how Shawn imagine themes went too far, I want to point out, this is a lighthearted imagine, where Camila isn't really aware of Shawn and his life, I am not saying it is normal to fall in love with a criminal and I'm not romanticising anything I shouldn't be when this is lighthearted with only one mention of criminal activity, which was only used because it worked for the story.

So it wasn't great, but I didn't like the idea of running off or making a part 2.

Hoped you liked it!

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