The Prince Diaries

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A/N: Based off of the Princess Diaries - but with Shawn as the main character


Shawn groaned as his alarm clock beeped loudly, waking him from his slumber. He sighed, tapping the snooze button before clambering out of his bed and getting dressed for school. He supposed he should appreciate the fact that he attended a private school and was receiving a good education but he wished he didn't. He only had two friends in the entire school, Brian and his sister, Camila, and everyone else loved to make fun of him for his appearance. Shawn wasn't ugly by any means but his hair was too long and his glasses left him ready for humiliation. 

Shawn made his way downstairs, greeting his mother with a kiss before making his way out of the house and began to make his journey towards school. He passed by Brian's house and stopped upon seeing him and Camila come out of the door. They smiled at him and the three made their way to school. "Excited for PE, Shawn?" Brian asked, knowing how much Shawn hated it. "Yep, ecstatic." It wasn't that Shawn was bad at PE, in fact, he had a well-built body and he worked out every day, it was just, he didn't try and everyone already made fun of him, so what was the point in trying to be good at something for other people's approval.

As the three arrived at school, they made their way to their lockers, collecting their things. Shawn cast his eyes over to Hailey Baldwin, his crush, who was giggling and smiling. Shawn had had a crush on her for years, but she was dating Josh Phillips, who spent his spare moments bullying Shawn.

Shawn was broken out of his trance by being shoved into his locker, "What are you staring at my girlfriend for Shawn?" He shook his head, "I'm sorry. I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise I was staring at her." Josh raised his fist to punch Shawn when Brian came up. "Oi, leave him alone." Josh lowered his fist and hissed in Shawn's face. "You got lucky." Shawn sighed in relief as he walked away. "Yeah, I know, stand up to him, I'm taller and have a bigger build, whatever Brian." He imitated Brian as they walked to class.

Later that day after a horrible PE lesson, the trio were walking home, when a limo pulled up beside them. "What's happening?" Camila questioned, looking at the pair. Shawn shrugged. "I don't know, Camila. It's not every day a limo pulls up beside us." She rolled her eyes and shoved him but Shawn grabbed her arms and pulled her into a hug as they laughed. The door to the limo and outstepped an old man, who looked to be in his seventies, who held a resemblance to Shawn.

He stepped closer to Shawn, who stared wide-eyed at the man, who looked similar to him. "Excuse me, are you Shawn Mendes?" He nodded slowly, unsure of who the strange man was. "Shawn, I'm your grandfather." His eyes widened further, "My grandfather?" He questioned in shock. The man nodded, a disapproving glance on his face as he glanced at Shawn's hair. Shawn looked away upon realising this as his hair was sticking out in random places and looked to be too long for his 'grandfather', who had his hair cut fairly short. "Yes, Shawn, I'm your grandfather." He replied, sounding rather bored with the conversation. Shawn glanced towards Camila and Brian who were too wide-eyed and shocked by this supposed revelation. "I'll see you guys later." He smiled. The pair was ready to protest, when Shawn cut them off, "I'll be fine." 

The pair quickly said goodbye to Shawn, but not before hugging him and demanding that he call as soon as he could. The pair began walking away, looking back and casting concerned glances over at Shawn. "She seems like a lovely girl." Shawn looked over confused. "Camila, was it? She clearly likes you." Shawn shook his head, "No she doesn't, now show me proof, that you're my grandfather because I'm not going anywhere without proof." The old man suppressed an angry groan and reached into his pocket, pulling out a photo and showing it to Shawn. A photo of his grandfather, his father and a three-year-old Shawn were all smiling at the camera in the photo. "That was the last time I saw you and your father before he died." Shawn nodded, now clearly believing what the man was saying. "Okay, grandpa. What are you doing here?" The man pointed to the limo, "Come, Shawn, I have a lot to tell you." He sighed, he was never getting his work done tonight, he thought before clambering into the limo.

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