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It was a cold Christmas Eve and Camila Cabello was currently stuck in Canada, with no way of getting back home to her hometown of Miami. All the flights cancelled due to the oncoming blizzard. Her family had warned her to come home earlier but she didn't give it a second thought and now she had nowhere to go on Christmas Eve. She sat on a bench outside of the airport, suitcase next to her, wishing she had gotten an earlier flight and could've been home with her family by now. But she wasn't.

Camila kicked the nearest stone in anger, it flew across the road and almost hit a car. "Careful there. I'm sure you don't want to have to pay damage fees for any cars." A voice spoke from behind. She turned to find a tall brunette boy beaming at her. She gave a weak smile.

"What's wrong? I know it's not me. I always grace people with my presence." He joked, evoking a giggle out of her. "Seriously, though." 

"Incase you haven't realised by my accent I'm not from here." He made a face of realisation. "You can't get home for Christmas because of the blizzard." She nodded. "My family were right. I should've left earlier and now because everyone else has already made last minute reservations, I don't have anywhere to stay."

She felt his arm wrap around her shoulder, "I'm sure there's somewhere." She shook her head. "Where were you staying? You couldn't have been on your own all this time." She shook her head again. "I was with my friend, Lauren, but she went home this morning." The boy nodded.

"I just realised. I never got your name." She spoke. "Shawn. Shawn Mendes." Putting his hand out. "Camila. Camila Cabello." Taking his hand. As they pulled away she spoke up once again, "If you don't mind me asking but what are you doing here? You sound like you're from here." 

He nodded, "I am. I was meant to come and pick up my girlfriend but the flights were cancelled and I called her to ask why she didn't tell me and heard her cheating on me through the phone."

Camila rubbed his shoulder lightly, "I'm sorry." He shrugged, "It's alright, she wasn't that great anyway." His face suddenly beamed with excitement at an idea. "What?" She asked. "Why don't you spend Christmas with my family?"

"I couldn't. That would be intruding." He shook his head. "No, you wouldn't and anyways my mother always told me to never leave someone in trouble. And you sleeping out in the cold is trouble." After another moment's deliberation, she gave in. "Alright."

He smiled, taking hold of her suitcase and wheeling it to his car with the girl following. When they reached his car he threw the suitcase in the trunk before opening the door for Camila. She thanked him, quickly getting into the car. He moved round before climbing into his Jeep Wrangler and starting the engine.

An hour later, the two arrived at Shawn's house. "Are you sure your family won't mind my presence?" He shook his head, "Of course not. They were making more than enough food anyway." She smiled nodding.

They got out of the car and Shawn unlocked the front door. "Mum! I'm home." He called out. "In the kitchen." She replied. Shawn motioned for Camila to follow. They entered the kitchen together. "Hey, mum." He moved to hug the woman. "Shawn." She hugged back. She looked over to where Camila stood. "Who's this?" "This is Camila. I found her at the airport on her own with nowhere to go." The woman smiled at her. "Was it the blizzard?" The girl nodded. 

The elder woman moved to hug the girl. "You're welcome to stay until you can get home." She smiled at the girl. Camila gave thanks to the woman. "Shawn, can you show her to the spare room, please? Dinner will be in five minutes." Shawn nodded and the two entered the hallway, Shawn picked up the suitcase leading her to the guest room.

Once they entered she hugged him. "Thank you for this." She smiled. "It's no problem. Really." He reassured her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. she smiled a light blush tinting her cheeks. "I'll see you down there in five minutes." She nodded.

Five minutes later a call for dinner was made and Camila made her way downstairs. She sat in the chair she was told to and waited for everyone else.

A girl of about 13 came down the stairs and hugged Shawn. "Where's Kayla?" "Oh, she was cheating on me." She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you, lord." He kissed the girl's cheek swinging her around.

It was at that point the girl realised another girl was in their presence. "Who's this?" "This is Camila." The two sat at the dinner table before another man, who Camila presumed to be Shawn's father sat at the table.

"Dad. This is Camila. Camila this is my mum, Karen. My dad, Manny and my sister Aaliyah." Camila waved. "Nice to meet you."

Karen spoke up, "Shawn found her stranded at the airport." The two nodded and Camila began a conversation with her. The family discovered that she was from Miami and visited Canada for a trip with friends bit they had left earlier and she was stranded.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy Christmas with us tomorrow." "I feel bad I don't have any gifts for you." "It's OK. You didn't know you were going to be here and we don't want anything. You're our guest." She smiled lightly.

Later that night, the family were playing games, kids against adults. Camila was giggling as Shawn tickled her. "Stop!" He shook his head. "Say it." He gritted his teeth. "Fine! You're the hottest guy in the world." He let go. "You really think so?" she blushed nodding actually being serious.

Christmas with the Mendes Family was much different than with the Cabellos. But Camila liked it none the less.

Over the day Camila had met many of Shawn's cousins and relatives. They all welcomed her with open arms and seemed to like her much more than Shawn's ex-girlfriend.

Camila was talking to Shawn's cousin, Timera, when she felt strong arms wrap around her. Shawn placed his head on her shoulder and mumbled a quick 'Hi.' Timera giggled calling the two cute before heading over to Aaliyah.

"So how do you like it?" Shawn asked. "It's really nice and different." Shawn smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

They were suddenly overcome with silence and noticed that Shawn's family were all staring at them. "What?" Shawn asked. They all grinned and pointed up. "Mistletoe." Shawn laughed. He looked back down at Camila and smiled, "Rules are rules." Camila nodded. Aaliyah called out, "Kiss her then."

Shawn wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her tight against hi. he leant his head down as she tilted hers upwards and connected their lips.

It was a soft kiss, no tongue involved but that didn't stop the two from enjoying it nor the family's cheering. After a minute they broke apart huge smiles across their faces.

Shawn pulled a box out of his pocket.
"Merry Christmas Camila."

Camila opened the box to find a silver necklace. She gasped shaking her head in denial. "I insist. I was going to give it to Kayla but since she cheated I thought why not give it to you."

Camila smiled and hugged him tightly, "Thank you, Shawn. I don't have anything to give you."

Shawn thought for a moment, "I can think of one." He beamed. She tilted her head in questioning. "Would you be mine?"

Camila grinned and nodded kissing him once more. They pulled apart and Shawn whispered, "Merry Christmas Camila."

"Merry Christmas Shawn."

A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating sooner but I was working on a new work which I've just published! It would be the world to me if you could read it.

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