Her Winner

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So I wrote this ages ago, but forgot about it put its Camila POV for imagine from like 2 years ago, Second Place and someone just commented they wanted Shawn's POV, so I will do that at some point and hopefully it won't take another 2 years😆😊

But please enjoy!
_____________________________Camila Cabello sat on the carpeted floor, waiting for her name to be called out as a little boy, James played 'Mary had a little lamb' on the piano. He wasn't very good, but Camila had to admit he was better than anyone else in their class so far. She looked to her left, to see Shawn shaking nervously fiddling his hands as he waited for his name to be called out. She reached over and wrapped his hands around hers, "Hey, you're going to do amazing!" She smiled over at him and a blush rose to his cheeks. "Thanks, Mila." He giggled and looked up, Camila followed and saw that James had finished.

Shawn started shaking upon the realisation that he was next and Camila laid her head on his shoulder attempting to console her further. To her, it didn't matter if he was terrible or brilliant, he was always going to be her favourite, her champion. In her eyes, he was always first place. "Shawn, you're next." The teacher smiled down at him, he gave a small smile and made his way over to the piano. "Shawn?" He glanced up, "Yes?" Camila winked at him, hoping to give him further reassurance and another smile appeared on his face. "What are you going to be playing?" His face grew shy and nervous again, "Uh... Falling." Camila felt her heart stutter in worry, that was a pop song. No one could play a pop song, why would he put himself forward for possible embarrassment?

The teacher nodded, smiling and Shawn looked down beginning to play. A melodic tune began to sound quietly from the piano, no breaks sounding, it all flowed softly and smoothly. Camila smiled brightly, Shawn was amazing, he was so talented. He was smart, good-looking, musically talented and more. He was perfect. So perfect.

Soon he finished and Camila and everyone else stood up clapping loudly and cheering for him. A blush was clearly on his face and Camila giggled further. "Wow. Shawn, the passion. That was fantastic." His blush grew and he sat down again as he murmured a small 'thank you'.  She leant over and kissed Shawn's cheek who blushed further. He was so red, it left Camila giggling even more.

Soon her own name was called and Camila felt Shawn squeeze her hand before she made her way up to the piano and began to play 'twinkle twinkle star' at a mediocre level. She felt herself cower on the inside but as she finished and looked up at Shawn, he was clapping, a bright smile on his face and she forgot about all her mistakes because Shawn was there to support her, so who cared about how she wasn't brilliant at music. She still had Shawn.

"Good try, Camila." She smiled and sat back down as Shawn entwined his hand with hers. "It's ok, Mila. You'll always be better than me in art." She giggled and hugged him tightly, "Thanks, Shawn." A few more people were called before the teacher finally announced how everyone had done. Camila, as she expected, was in the middle but upon realising that Shawn had made it to the top two, she let out a squeal and hugged him tightly.

Camila didn't believe in the way the teacher ranked people but as she had heard from her and Shawn's parents discussions, it was all James' fault. The whiny boy had to boast that he was better than everyone, just the thought of it makes her roll her eyes.  "In second place is.. James!" Shawn's little face brightened upon the realisation that he was first. "And in first place is Shawn!" Camila hugged him before everyone else congratulated him and she couldn't help the feeling of pride that swelled up inside of her.

Later on at recess, the pair of them stood at the monkey bars when James came stalking over and shoved Shawn. "Listen, you little idiot. I'm better than you, I deserved first place, not you." He hissed poking him in the chest. Shawn was smaller than James, so he didn't try fighting back but he was Camila's best friend and she wasn't going to let him get kicked about. "Hey! Leave Shawn alone! It's not his fault, you didn't practise as much as he did. He's better and nicer than you!" Shawn blushed, looking down as she defended him before James scoffed and walked off.

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