Princess and the Frog

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Based on Disney's 'The Princess and the Frog'

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Camila Cabello slammed the door open to her small bungalow, shared with her mother, at four fifty-nine am. She had worked the all-night shift at the corner shop and was now going to work the morning shift at the local diner later on. She flopped on the bed and closed her eyes, hoping to catch a bit of shut-eye, when her alarm went off. Glancing at her clock, she saw that it was five am.

She let out a loud groan before walking to her closet and grabbing her uniform, quickly changing before heading out and grabbing the bus in order to reach the restaurant on time for her shift. She sat down on the first available seat and picked up the book in her bag quietly reading as she waited to get to her stop. She heard a honk and looked up, seeing her stop had just passed. She gasped, snapping the book shut and jumped up making her way off the bus, waving goodbye to the driver.

She jogged over to the diner and immediately found various dishes shoved into her hands by the chef, Simon. "Morning, Simon." Simon smirked as he looked over at the young women, "You look like a zombie." "Thank you, I was working all night, making money for my restaurant." Simon let out a loud cackle as he threw over another dish. "You've been going about that restaurant since you started working here at fourteen years old. It's never going to happen, Camila." Camila threw a dark glare over at the man as she laid out the plates. "I've got more a chance of winning the lottery than you do of getting the restaurant." "And yet you're here, so can it, Simon!"

"Camila, do you want to come out dancing with us tonight?" Marielle asked as Camila laid out the plate of croissant for the group. Camila shook her head, "Sorry, guys. I've got to work a double shift at Mac's if I want to save up for-" "Your restaurant. We know, girl. But you're young, single and free. Don't you want to live?" She shook her head. "My restaurant is more important." She replied as she turned away and heard the quiet murmuring of "I told you."

She sighed, repeating the mantra in her head again, ever since her dad died she had decided that she was going to finish what he started and achieve their dream, but it was proving hard when so many people were there to put her down. But it would all be worth it when she finally had her restaurant. She was almost there. So close. One more shift and it would be hers.

She heard the door swing open and looked over to see the large body of one Stephen Baldwin. "Morning, Mr Baldwin." She called as she moved over to the man, who had sat down with his favourite, cinnamon swirls. "Good morning, Camila." He grinned as he looked at the delicious treats. "I heard you're going to be the Mardi Gras King again?" The man nodded once more, "Only the fourth year running!" He cheered as Camila set down his cup of coffee.

Suddenly, a loud squeal sounded and a tall blonde girl burst through. "MILA! Mila!" She called as she ran up, shaking her shoulders. "Yes Hails?" Another squeal sounded as Camila winced. "Prince Shawn of Marple is coming to New Orleans!" She squealed. Camila rolled her eyes. "What's the big deal, it's not like you'll meet him. Royal security?" Hailey shook her head and looked over at her father, "Tell her, Daddy! Tell her." Stephen finished eating before looking up, "He is going to be staying-" Hailey didn't let him finish, shoving a cinnamon bun in his face. "At our residence! Oh, Mila isn't it just amazing. Now all I gotta do is figure out how I can win his affections and he's coming to the Masquerade Ball tonight!" Camila laughed as she placed another dish down in front of a customer.

"A little word of advice from my mama, Hails. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Hails let out a squeal and ran up hugging Camila, "That's it! Oh, thank you, Camila. I need about 50 of those cinnamon swirls." She ran over to her father grabbing his wallet and taking out about $2000 dollars and handing it over to Camila, "Will this just about cover it?" Camila gave a shocked nod before stuttering out, "This is it! I'm get-tt-ting my restaurant!" She let out a cry as Hailey cheered before waving goodbye.

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