Chapter 3) Hot & Cold

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(Rihanna pov)
I'm hanging out with my BFF Katy at the club in LA.

As we're hanging out at the club, We went to buy ourselves some food & champagne

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As we're hanging out at the club, We went to buy ourselves some food & champagne.

“So, Rih, How's your love-life going?” she asked me as we're eating our food.

“Um. I don’t really know. I mean, Drake & I got even closer than we already were before & I honestly like the chemistry we have with each other.” I said.

“Besides, The moments we have is just so amazing & sweet. Especially when he collaborated & appeared in my song “What’s My Name?” & along with his song “Take Care”."I continued.

“So, You’re saying you might still have feelings for Drake?” Katy questioned.

“To be completely honest, I really like Drake, Like I said, our moments were amazing & sweet along with having a cute chemistry. And I mean, we were a good couple, but I honestly don’t know if I have feelings for him, Although I really like how we’re still close just we were before & after we were together.” I explained.

“Well. Do you wanna have a sleepover at my house, since it's getting late?” I asked her.

“Yea.” Katy replied smiling.

After we continued talking bout my love-life with Drake, We walked out the club when we were spotted by paparazzi.

As we were being spotted by paparazzi, they asked me alot questions that has to do with me & Drake.

“Rihanna. How do you feel when Drake confessed his love for you?”

“Um. It was great to hear what he has to say. I mean, We've been closer than we were before, and I really like how he was completely & truly honest with his feelings for me.” I answered.

“Do you think the chemistry you & Drake might bring you two even more closer than before?”

“Since you & Drake had alot of chemistry & shared some moments together that brings you guys even closer than before, Does this means there's a chance for you two to be together?” 

As they asked me bout my chemistry with Drake, I couldn’t help but blush.

“Although there's dating rumors bout you & Drake, Do you miss your moments with Chris Brown?”

“Rihanna. What do you think of your chemistry with Drake?”

“Katy, Do you think RiRi & Drake would be a good couple?”

“Rihanna, Do you miss being with Chris?”

As they kept asking bout me & Drake along with my ex Chris, Katy & I finally reached to my car then went inside.

As we went inside my car, I drove off to her house.

(At Katy’s house)
She arrived at her house and she rushed went inside to get her stuff.

After she got her stuff, she went back inside my car then I drove to my house.

(At my house)
We finally arrived at my house & went inside. As we went inside, We walked to the living-room & sat down at the couch.

“Wow, That was wild they were asking bout you & Drake all at once.” Katy comments.

“I know right, But I don't really think it matters to me.” I said.

“I mean, Drake & I are just really close friends, and I have admit that I do like him. And I kinda do wanna have something with him, but we're just friends, and that's all.” I told her hoping she understands.

As we continued our conversation bout me & Drake, We were both tired so I let Katy sleep in the guest room.

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