12: Window

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Harry watched as everyone slowly transformed into identical versions of himself, Well except the clothes.

"Wow we're identical!"  All the Harry's in the room said, well except the actual Harry.

"Not yet you're not" Madeye said as he staggered over to the centre of the room and emptied a large bag of clothes onto the floor, It consisted of the same long sleeved Burgundy top and some plain denim jeans.

"Haven't got anything a bit more sporting have you?" George said as he picked up one of the tshirts. "Yeah I don't really fancy the colour" Fred looked disgustingly at the top. "Well fancy this; You're not you so shove it and strip" Madeye said
"Alright, Alright" Mundungus Fletcher Said as he took of his Jacket. "You need to change too potter" Madeye said to the real Harry.

"Bill look away I'm hideous!" Fleur said and Bill hesitantly walked over to the Harry and He, well she took her bra off. "I knew he was lying about that tattoo" Ron's voice could be heard from across the room. "Harry, Your eyesight really is awful" Hermione said as she put a pair of glasses identical to Harry's on.

Bill just stood awkwardly in the middle holding Fleurs bra.

"Each Potter will have a protector" Madeye stated as the Harry's were all almost dressed. "Mundungus stick to me, I wanna keep an eye on you" He continued. "As for Harry", "Yes" all the Harry's in the room answered. "The real Harry, Where the devil are you anyway?" The real Harry stood out from the rest "Here" Harry put his hand up so everyone could see where he was. "You ride with Hagrid"

"I brought you here Sixteen years ago when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle, it seems right that I be the one to take you away now" Hagrid smiled at Harry.

"Yes it's all very touching, LETS
GO" Madeye yelled and everyone stationed themselves with the right people.

They then all set off to the burrow, the real Harry stationed at the front next to the half giant hagrid.

Harry took one final look at number 4 private drive; Millions of memories flew through his head.

one in particular making his heart skip a beat, His breath stuck in his throat and a tear slipped down his face. He froze in horror.


FLASHBACK (this part is entirely made up and it is incredibly sad I'm sorry It's also set between Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban)


I sat on my bed alone. The feeling of loneliness is one that's terrifying. You are entirely on your own and when you're so used to having friends around you it's scary, terrifying even.

I untied the silver necklace from around my neck and dropped it into the candle that was slowly melting next to me on my wooden floor. My head was pounding and I could hear my heart clearly in my ears. My hands were shaking and I waited a few seconds.

I could hear Hedwig quietly hooting in her cage. She almost sounded sorrowful; Which was unique for a Owl of her type. I blew the candles flame out and sat in the light of the streetlights outside my window. They gave off a yellowish light, The occasional car's headlights would shine onto my wall as it drove past. The cars wouldn't go past too often as it was about 3am.

I glanced down at my thighs, I was sitting on my wooden floor with a pair of Dudley's large shorts on. I picked up the burning chain, Hissing in pain at the burning feeling the chain sent to my fingers. "Do it; You deserve the pain. You disgusting boy! You should've died with your parents that night!" I clutched my head in pain, my scar burning as a harsh voice yelled into my ears. As though it was standing just inches behind me.

I dropped the boiling chain to my thigh and gasped in pain as it fell, almost slowly to my leg. A single tear dropped down with it. I felt around me for the pen knife I'd found in Uncle Vernon's tool box; He doesn't use his tools, (He just has them to look like he fixes things).

I Hissed as a stinging sensation flew through my fingers then almost as quick as it came, it was replaced by a strong blow of pain. I had sliced my finger open.

The moon shone through my window, It's beautiful isn't it, the moon? It's always there, no matter what you do it'll always be there; shining beautifully outside your window. You can't run away from it, you can hide so you can't see it but you can't get away from it.

I shakily stood up, my legs wobbling under my weight, although I barely eat. Uncle Vernon and aunt petunia are very against the whole wizarding community and the whole idea of being magical, so they don't feed me. 

I grabbed hold of a shelf for stability. There was a loud crash and as though it was in slow motion, it fell onto my bed, one thing by the other. Right on the top of the pile of crap that had fallen from the shelf was the picture of my parents.

I gasped and a tear fell down my face. I watched as it dropped onto the picture frame id picked up and placed in my shaky hands.

"I miss you. I just want to see you! Please let me see you" I whispered, pain obviously in my desperate, croaky voice. "Ghosts! that it! I can die and you'll visit me! We'll be together again" I smiled and I grabbed hold of every surface near me for support. I pushed open the window and slowly climbed up. I was shaking violently and I felt like throwing up, "Ron doesn't like you! He just wants to know you because you're the boy who lived" a few more years skipped down my cheeks, "Hermione only likes you because she knows everything about you, Everyone else just wants to know you because you're famous. It's disgusting. You're disgusting" 

One tear
Two tears
Three tears
Four tears

I was sat on my window, my legs hanging over the ledge. I heard a banging at my door. Petunia was there. I edged closer to the outside, I then grabbed hold of the window around me. I shakily stood up. 

I froze in shock as there was a loud crash and the door broke down. "What are you doing?!" She screamed. "I just wanted to see them" I screamed and tears flooded down my cheeks and I sniffed. "It's okay" she hesitantly stepped close to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and looked at her, " I have to see them" I croaked and she nodded sympathetically "maybe a different time; but now you have friends at your fr-School and I'm sure they wouldn't want the famous Harry Potter to die" She said and I slowly sat down and climbed off the windowsill. I then fell to the floor and started to cry. She hesitantly walked over to me and placed her hand on top of mine. "it'll be okay" she whispered. "but it wont will it? there's something wrong with me; I'm going mad" 

"Don't do it" she whispered.



"You 'right 'arry?" Hagrid asked, He towered over The boy who lived; Then again he's half giant so It makes sense. Harry then glanced around, They'd left and he hadn't realised. He was too deep in thought. He'd pushed away that memory for so long.
It had failed, obviously.

There was a large sign that read "Dartford crossing" and Hagrid drove into the tunnel. Hagrid then drove up the wall and onto the ceiling of the tunnel. Harry quickly grabbed hold of the front of the motorbike. 


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