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red lights, stop signs

Harry and Hermione entered the room where Slughorn was hosting his dinner. There he was, Draco Malfoy was sitting next to Blaise Zabini and the only three spaces left on the table were next to him and Cormac. Harry decided to sit next to Malfoy so Hermione could sit next to Ginny.

"Fuck off" Malfoy hissed at him.
"you didn't mind us being close a week ago did you" Harry hissed back. He watched as Malfoy Looked down at his food. Harry bit back a smirk as he took a sip of his drink. It tasted like piss.

The dinner went along as well as a dinner with slughorn and a bunch of bored teens could go.

Slughorn was midway through asking what a dentist was when Draco slid his hand up Harry's thigh and Harry choked on his drink. "Are you okay Potter?" Malfoy asked, a smirk on his face. "Of course" Harry gasped out. Draco began to slither his hand up higher.

Blaise Zabini rolled his eyes at the situation and Draco just smirked as Harry trembled.
Draco leant close, whispering the words "forgive me for I have sinned" into his ear.

"bloody Malfoy hasn't said anything" Ron sighed as he sat down.
"and your annoyed about that?" Hemione laughed, sipping a cup of orange juice.
"so how was it?" Ron asked.
"Well i think Harry enjoyed desert, quite a bit actually. What was it Harry; Spotted dick?" Harry spat out his pumpkin juice and Hermione went back to eating her breakfast.

Later that day Harry was wondering around the halls, he was tired of life and everyone in it. He headed to the astronomy tower for a little bit of alone time.

But what he walked in on made his heart shatter, Draco Malfoy was standing on the ledge. He looked vacant, almost dead.

"Harry, please leave" he whispered, just loud enough for Harry to hear him. Harry shook his head, "you're fucking out of your mind if you think I'm going to leave you here" Harry stood frozen to the ground, afraid to step forward.

"Please" he whispered, in the same tone. Harry walked forward slowly. "Draco, please we can talk, just get down and I can help you" Harry panicked and Draco's grip on the railing tightened.

"You don't understand, you've got it all, so please leave" he sobbed and Harry put a hand on his shoulder. He felt Draco lean into his touch.

"I might not ever understand but I'll try my hardest" Harry smiled and Draco eventually stepped down.

"I was just admiring the view" he said between sobs. Harry gave him a look, "bullshit"

They stayed talking for a while, until it was time for them to part their ways and go down to their own dormitories

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