7: unbreakable vow

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Draco looked into Harry's green eyes and began felt a strong urge to lean in. Harry's eyes widened as he also began to lean in. Draco smashed his lips onto Harry's. Harry's lips were soft and Draco quickly melted into the feeling that Harry was giving him. Harry calmed down instantly as he tangled one of his hands into Draco's soft blonde hair.

Draco put one of his hands of Harry's cheek and the other on his neck. Harry was one hundred percent sure that this kiss was better than Ron's. Harry heard the sound of someone running away from the door.

They both pulled away from the kiss for air, but neither ran. Draco rested his forehead against Harry's as they held hands. "Thank you" Draco smiled. He looked through the window. "fuck fuck fuck fuck" They were at Platform 9 3/4 and Lucius Malfoy was standing behind a few parents, his cold eyes glaring at Harry. "I-I've got to go" Draco walked to the door, took one last look at Harry and left the compartment.


"So what happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?" Harry asked Fred and George.
"I think you die" George said as he continued to flick through a book of jokes. "Fred look at this!" He pointed at the book.
"no way! That's awesome! Can we buy it?" Fred laughed, pointing at the other page. "No you dimwit, I meant that" George pointed at the product he wanted.
"That's terrible Georgie" "shut up" George rolled his eyes.

Harry left the room and sat downstairs with Lupin, Nymphadora and Arthur Weasley.
"So Voldemort has asked Draco Malfoy for a mission?" Lupin asked, his voice stern, almost cold and disbelieving.
"I know it sounds mad" Harry said. Trying to get his point across.
"Has it occured to you that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?" Remus asked. "that's not what it sounded like" Harry stated, desperate for someone to believe him.
"Perhaps Harry's right Remus. I mean to make an Unbreakable Vow it's..." Nymphadora was cut of by Lupin. "it comes down to whether or no you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape therefore I do"

"Dumbledore can make mistakes he's said so himself" Harry tried explaining.

"You're blinded by hatred!" Remus said.
"Hatred?! Hatred is when you despise someone so much you would purposefully hurt them. You'd bully them. You would do anything to stay away from them. If I hated Draco then why would I offer to help him. He trusts me" Harry said dryly.

"People are disappearing Harry, daily. We could only place our trust in a handful of people; If we start fighting among ourselves we're doomed" Harry watched as Lupin and Nymphadora left the room and Ginny came in. She sat next to him, holding a plateful of mince pies. Arthur coughed awkwardly then left the room.

"open up, you" She smiled as she picked up a mince pie. He tried not to laugh. She didn't know that he was gay. The only people that did were Hermione and Ron. Oh Ron. He thought. "don't you trust me?" She said as she brought it closer to him. Harry took a small bite. "it's good" He nodded. Ron came over with another load of mince pies and sat between them. The three sat in a awkward silence. Ron and Harry because the kiss from earlier and Ginny because she liked Harry.

"pie?" he asked. "not for me no" Harry let out a small laugh as he glanced around awkwardly.

(I'll skip the death eater, conservatory, hallway and memory parts)

"Did it mean nothing to you?!" Harry looked up from his book to see Draco standing there drenched in rain. His white blonde hair stuck down onto his pale face. "You kissed the weasel that day that we kissed" He was annoyed and upset. He had a old black book in his hand. "What? how..." Harry got interupted by Draco "Did you kiss the weasel or not?!" Draco asked, pain written over his face. "It was a accident" Harry stood up from his beanbag.

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