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If the heavens ever did speak, he's the last true mouthpiece.

Harry woke up to a pillow being thrown at his face. "It's 9.05" Ron shouted, in a panic. "Yeah and what?" He rubbed his eyes as he sat up, yawning as he put his glasses. "Classes started 10 minuets ago" Harry began to panic but quickly realised that he had a free period. He wasn't taking potions this year. It was, so it seemed a good thing; he didn't have to run into Draco Malfoy and his stupid friends and he didn't have to do potions with Snape. "Ron it's a free period" Harry got back into bed.

"No Harry, we both have potions, they changed our timetable last night. Apparently we don't have to get outstanding on our OWLs, plus it isn't Snape teaching. It's some equally as old git slughorn" Ron explained as he did his tie.

"It's with the Slytherin's isn't it?" Harry asked as he got changed. "I think so" Ron sighed as he looked at the marauders map. "Hermione is there and so is Malfoy" Ron said, more to himself than to Harry.

Harry and Ron quickly ran to their potions class, which was all the way down in the dungeons. They took all the quickest routes and arrived only 15 minuets late.

"I don't wanna take potions! Quidditch trials are coming up and I can't have potions in the way! I wanna make this years team!" Ron sighed as they opened the classroom door. "Shut up" he muttered and Ron quickly stopped speaking.

"attention to detail in the preparations is the prerequisite of all planning..." Slughorn was interrupted by the door opening and Ron and Harry walked in the class. "Ah Harry! I was beginning to worry. We've brought someone with us I see" he smiled at Ron.

"Ron Weasley, I was actually supposed to be here but if you don't mind I'll be off" Ron was about to walk out when harry put an arm around him. "Fuck you" Ron whispered and Harry stifled a laugh.

"No, No don't be daft. If you're on the register and you don't attend that's points from Gryffindor; Anyway if you're staying get your books out." He smiled and Ron sighed, defeated.

"Actually sir I haven't got my book yet" Harry felt eyes staring at him from the other end of the class. He looked over and saw Malfoy look down and a small blush took to his cheeks. Harry took no notice of this "nor has Ron" He quickly rushed out. The rest of the class was talking amongst themselves.

"don't worry, get what you want from the cupboard" He pointed at the cupboard and turned back to the class. "now as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning any ideas what these might be?" He looked out at the students and as he expected Hermione's hand flew up.

"this one is Amortentia,  the most powerful love potion in the world" She looked at the potion. Pink steam was rising from the cauldron it was in. "It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them or who attracts them" She looked at it  "for example I smell, freshly mowed grass, new parchment and spearmint... toothpaste" She walked away from it.

Harry walked over to the only available space, next to Draco Malfoy. He didn't dare look at him. "You're too close" Draco spat. Looking over at Harry. "Fuck off" Harry rolled his eyes.

"Okay so I would like the class to go one by one and smell the potion" Slughorn said. "starting from Harry and going down all the way over to Ron; oh and I want to add that Amortentia does not creat actual love, that would be impossible! but it does create a powerful infatuation or obsession and for that reason it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room" He smiled. "so harry my boy what do you smell?"

"I smell, apple tarts, broomstick polish and Hair gel" Harry didn't understand but the boy standing next to him did. and his heartbeat was faster than it's ever been.
"Mr Malfoy?" Slughorn said and Draco looked up, slightly afraid to speak.

"pumpkin juice, butterbeer and broomstick polish" He looked down at the ground, scared someone would catch on to exactly who or what this person or thing was.

Once the whole class was done smelling the potion slughorn let them all have a minuet or two to talk while he set up the next hour and a half's work.

the whole class erupted with chatter. "are you not going to move?" Malfoy spat. "I don't know if you've noticed but there's nowhere else to stand other than beside you. So don't make a big deal out of it" Harry forced a smile.
Malfoy rolled his eyes then narrowed them. "did you hear anything yesterday? you know on the train" He looked at Harry to make sure he didn't flinch.

"I'm not saying" Harry smirked. Just before Malfoy could say anything Slughorn began to talk.

Slughorn picked up a tiny vial with a cork at the top and held it up.
"Oh this is a curious little potion called Felix Felicis but it is more commonly known as..."

"Liquid Luck" Malfoy spoke up and Hermione glared at him.

"Yes Mr Malfoy; Liquid Luck" Slughorn said, a mix of surprise and shock.

"Terribly tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. One sip and you'll find that all your endeavours shall succeed"

Draco's eyes widened. He needed the potion.
"Okay you'll all be making the draught of living death, don't even think of drinking it. I'll be picking your pairs, starting with Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. You'll be sitting on the table on the far right" he stopped and pointed towards the table and Harry groaned.

"This is going to be interesting" Blaise whispered to Draco as he walked past and Draco flipped him off.

Harry opened his book, saw it had writing all over it and put it back in his bag.
"Can I see your book? Mines completely ruined" he asked Draco, his voice calm. "What?" Draco spat, running a hand through his blonde hair. "Cant you do the potion from your book?" Harry asked, slightly annoyed. "No" petty bitch. "If this is because I didn't shake your hand six fucking years ago then you can grow up"

"Excuse me, Potter I don't know if you've realised but you sent my father to Azkaban so you can carry on with that sorry excuse of you not shaking my goddamn hand because not everything is about you. You always put yourself on a pedestal and not all of us can deal with that so can we just do our own potions" Draco ranted and Harry sighed.

He pulled the book out of his bag.

This book is property of the half blood Prince

A/N edited and completely changed 23/12/2020 bit of a short chapter whoops

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