Chapter 10 (deathly hallows)

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"These are dark times,there's no denying it" the minister for magic stated. The wizarding world was thrown into fear at the death of the old strong head master of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. "Our world had never faced a bigger threat than it does today" he continued. "But I say this to our citizen! We thereby your servants will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forecast that seek to take it from you" he took a breath "Your ministry! Remains strong" he finished and photographers took pictures of him for the daily prophet.

'Dark mark sparks panic' hermione put the newspaper that she was holding down onto the bed and continued to pack her things into her small bag. "Hermione! Tea is ready darling" her mother called.

"Coming mum!" She called back as she drew her wand and walked down the stairs with her bag in her hand. She walked to behind the sofa and watched her mother and father stop talking. She was reluctant to do what she had to do but she had no other option, It was a matter of life and death.

she pointed her wand at her parents and she muttered "obliviate" she watched in fright as their faces dropped and they look of confusion slipped across their pale faces. The excited blush on her mothers cheeks disappeared from her face. 

Hermione watched in shock as she disappeared from the muggle photos around the room. A tear dropped down her cheek but she wiped it with her sleeve. This was for if V--You-Know-Who  tried to track Harry down. She knew what had happened to Neville's parents and she wasn't going to let her own parents be tortured into spilling the truth.

"Come on Dudley hurry up!" Vernon yelled as he lifted a suitcase into the packed car. "I don't understand why we're leaving" Dudley sighed as he threw his heavy bag into the car. "It's not safe here! Especially with... that here" Vernon looked Harry in the eye. "What Harry?" Dudley asked as he wiped the sweat from all the 'exercise' off his forehead. "Well; yes" Vernon shot Harry a look of disgust. "He's a faggot there's no two ways about it. Keep his fag life away from my pure life!" Harry shifted uncomfortably in the doorway. Vernon noticed this; " Even he knows it" He laughed a almost evil laugh. "Shut up! I know I'm a waste of space; I know you'v always seen me as some disgusting kid! I don't even fucking care. Get out of my life" Harry yelled. 

Harry watched in confusion as Dudley opened the car door. He struggled to get out but once he did he walked over to the door. "Forget something?" Harry spat. "No actually" Dudley said. Harry lifted his eyebrow. "I don't think you're a waste of space. I wish we could've talked more. I felt bad that I was some of the reason you had no friends at primary school" Harry was shocked. "Look it's fine. We'll talk more soon, If I'm caught outside by... Don't worry just go" Harry gestured for The Dursleys to leave.


"Ah Severus I was beginning to think you'd lost your way, sit down we've saved you a seat" Voldemort hissed and pointed over to a seat not far away from his own. Draco was shaking violently. "Draco, are you okay dear?" Narcissa whispered into Draco's ear. "No I might throw up" Draco whispered back. "It will happen at nightfall, my lord" Draco started to sweat, he fiddled with a loose thread from his sleeve of black suit. He kept glancing up, and darting his grey eyes at the door. "I've heard different my lord" Draco had, had enough. "I heard he was moving at nightfall on the thirty-thirst of this month"

"The ministry takes no part in the protection of Harry Potter" Draco had, had enough. His hands were shaking and he felt on the verge of throwing up.

"Don't worry I'll get you out soon enough" Narcissa noticed Draco's normally pale face go a sickly shade of green. Draco's eyes widened as he heard the words "kill the boy" come up in the conversation. "WORMTAIL! I said keep our guest quiet" Voldemort yelled and Peter apologised. "As much as I find your blood lust inspiring; I must kill the boy" Draco felt the blood in his body boil. How dare they threaten the first boy he had ever kissed.

"To those of you who don't know; we are joined by miss Charity Burbage. Who until recently taught at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her speciality was; Muggle studies" Voldemort stopped and Most of the death eaters sitting at the table laughed. Draco kept quiet. "It is Miss Burbages belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way have us... mate with them" The table broke into a laughter and Draco looked around in confusion. "To her the mixture of both magic and muggle blood is not a abomination" Voldemort sat back down again and continued " "but something to be encouraged" He finished his speech and Draco started to panic. "Look away Draco please look away" Narcissa whispered and Draco felt a strong urge to throw up. 

"S-Severus please, we're friends" The whole table went quiet and Voldemort looked at Snape. He was confused by this as Snape had no friends. He has always had no friends. Voldemort grew annoyed and angry. Snape had lied. "Avada Kedavra" He yelled through gritted teeth. She froze and fell to the table. Her eyes were still and frozen. It was as though someone had frozen her, but she wasn't frozen she was dead. Tears were still dripping from hey eyes onto the table.

Draco looked away from the dead woman lying on the table. "Mother please let me leave" He whispered. "Just do as I say look away" Narcissa whispered back. Draco noticed that there was dry blood on the top of her head. "don't look!" 

"Nagini; Dinner" The large snake that was usually by Voldemort's side, slithered onto the table and slowly towards Charity Burbage. The Viper looked around at everyone at the table before leaping at Mrs Burbage. 

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